Is this leftover residue or powdery mildew??? Pics included.

Is this powdery mildew or leftover reside?

  • Powdery mildew

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Ok, so I'm not sure if this is powdery mildew because I have been spraying my plants with a diluted milk solution and the Garden Safe Fungicide3 (been spraying at 1/2 the dose). So my question to all you wise folks is.... Is this powdery mildew or leftover residue from spraying the above mentioned?? Plants are being grown outdoors in southern Oregon somewhat near the coast. Thank you in advance for your knowledge. :)



Active Member
Looks like soap spray. No need to spray the plants at all unless you are fixing something

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Looks like residue to me, PM looks pretty distinctive and usually grows in pretty neat little circles that slowly expand to cover the surface. The stuff on your leaves has much more irregular outline and looks more like where the spray could have accumulated. I had a similar thing with my leaves after spraying a calcium foliar, looks almost identical. I wouldn't worry.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I'm not sure if this is powdery mildew because I have been spraying my plants with a diluted milk solution and the Garden Safe Fungicide3 (been spraying at 1/2 the dose). So my question to all you wise folks is.... Is this powdery mildew or leftover residue from spraying the above mentioned?? Plants are being grown outdoors in southern Oregon somewhat near the coast. Thank you in advance for your knowledge. :)
Quickest way to tell is to try and wipe it off. If it wipes off it is likely mold if not then you know it's from your foliar treatments (milk). Good luck OC. :peace: