Is this light or water problem?


So I just planted this to get some roots to spread into soil. I just added water with fox farm and over some time it has done this. Is my light too strong? It looks like it's trying to get away from the light. I'm using 4 6400k 26w cfl, and a 65w warm flood above that. Or is it the water just soaking in
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Well-Known Member

Sorry I don't have much to add other than the people that diagnose this will probably need more info. Could be several things including but not limited too your lights. Looks stretched out and droopy to me. What are your temps, humidity how far away are those lights, how often do you feed. Probably won't be able to help you much but I'm sure you will get lots of opinions soon. The more info you provide the better diagnosis you will receive.


Well-Known Member
hi, what soil is that, i cant see any perlite or anything, hows the drainage? of the top of my head id say flooded root zone and something a bit to hot,


Active Member
looks very overwatered to me I agree with cozz to work on drainage add perlite if you have a chance i like to use 50/50 coco/perlite for my young ones try maybe letting the soil dry out more between watering see if it helps


Well-Known Member
Looks like over watering or under watering. They look the sameish. Under and the plant collapses like an umbrella deflating. Over and it curls down and doesnt grow. The roots swell from the water and wont uptake nutrients properly and the whole system shuts down. Water that plant about two cups of water in that sized container and wait until the container feels light in your hand to re water. Should be about two to three days depending on the ambient temp of the room and fans.


Well-Known Member
Get the foil out of there. the foil wont reflect light right and will create hot spots. thats why your plants are moving away from the light. white paint or white plastic is what you need. take out the foil, and start adding nutes at 1/4 strength. to start


Well-Known Member
ditch the folgers containers, those little handles make it a bitch to transplant out of. Make sure you have PLENTY of holes poked in that thing to give you drainage. That plant is most definitely over watered. You can let a cannabis plant dry out until it looks like a droopy dead mess and it will perk right back up with water.

I second the foil advice. Use flat white paint.