Is this Magnesium Deficiency?

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Epsom will fix it ( would of used more than you did though as im not a measure It wont fix the leaves that have already sufferd but it will stop the problem from travelling. Keep an eye out.
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Well-Known Member
I searched through the internet for a couple hours before I posted this thread, I was pretty sure it's a slight magnesium deficiency. This is the picture and link to the website I used to confirm magnesium deficient, it doesn't look exactly the same but it is pretty close. I cannot find anything else that it might be.
View attachment 3666538
Mean offers a good argument but what really

makes makes you think you have Mg def.

Mg def. is an old plant issue like arthritis in humans

unless you are using RO water that has most minerals removed

or the most likely using water with excess calcium

that would lead to excess calcium in the roots locking out magnesium

either way for some real fum

half a teaspoon of cal mag/ Epsom salts to a pint hand sprayer

fill with water shake like mad and spray the plant

give it an hour and see the wonders of modern horticultural practice at work

good luck
Hi guys. I have something similar going on but my leaves are turning goldenish yellow. Almost to a crisp and deteriorating. I used some magnesium sulphate (pure/fine crystals) and used about 1/2 tsp to 2 liters (little less than 1/2 gallon I suppose) on a clone in a 5-gal pot.

Am I in cal/mag hell with my clone? It's been ongoing for last 2 weeks second week into flowering, now I'm 3rd week flowering). Yellowing Built up more severely on lower/middle of plant in the 2nd week of flower.

Here are some before and afters having used a small bit of mag.sulph. The green seems to have lost its darker vigor and turning towards a more lime-green colour overall. Not sure if this is something else popping up as a deficiency/abundance.

Before mag.sulph:

After mag.sulph :(1week into flowering grow )

Closeup colour shade (before mag.sulph)image.jpg

Closeup colour shade (1 week after mag.sulph)image.jpg

This is what started a week into flowering after 3 month veg:image.jpg image.jpg

3-stage discolouration on clone in first 2 weeks of flowering:image.jpg

I can only add that new growth isn't sprouting like the 3 leaf comparison, But a healthier colour. Someone mentioned the yellowed leaves (even mid-yellow?) won't go back to a fresh healthy green leaf. So far that's been noted as well.

I think I've been very stingy and overly precautions with the mag.sulphate feed. How much should one mix for a 5-gal pot into how much water?

Here's my original post:

Well-Known Member
Hi guys. I have something similar going on but my leaves are turning goldenish yellow. Almost to a crisp and deteriorating. I used some magnesium sulphate (pure/fine crystals) and used about 1/2 tsp to 2 liters (little less than 1/2 gallon I suppose) on a clone in a 5-gal pot.

Am I in cal/mag hell with my clone? It's been ongoing for last 2 weeks second week into flowering, now I'm 3rd week flowering). Yellowing Built up more severely on lower/middle of plant in the 2nd week of flower.

Here are some before and afters having used a small bit of mag.sulph. The green seems to have lost its darker vigor and turning towards a more lime-green colour overall. Not sure if this is something else popping up as a deficiency/abundance.

Before mag.sulph:
View attachment 3666656

After mag.sulph :(1week into flowering grow )
View attachment 3666659

Closeup colour shade (before mag.sulph)View attachment 3666660

Closeup colour shade (1 week after mag.sulph)View attachment 3666661

This is what started a week into flowering after 3 month veg:View attachment 3666662 View attachment 3666663

3-stage discolouration on clone in first 2 weeks of flowering:View attachment 3666664

I can only add that new growth isn't sprouting like the 3 leaf comparison, But a healthier colour. Someone mentioned the yellowed leaves (even mid-yellow?) won't go back to a fresh healthy green leaf. So far that's been noted as well.

I think I've been very stingy and overly precautions with the mag.sulphate feed. How much should one mix for a 5-gal pot into how much water?

Here's my original post:
looks to me, like you need to feed your plant some potassium. But I'm not 100%, I just looked at this link

The new growth looks fine, I wouldn't worry about that.

If you are in soil I would feed 3/4 tsp per gallon, every other watering, with nutrients containing a NPK of something like 2-6-4

Here is what I use Screen Shot 2016-04-26 at 7.18.25 PM.pngScreen Shot 2016-04-26 at 7.20.53 PM.pngScreen Shot 2016-04-26 at 7.21.54 PM.png
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looks to me, like you need to feed your plant some potassium. But I'm not 100%, I just looked at this link

The new growth looks fine, I wouldn't worry about that.

If you are in soil I would feed 3/4 tsp per gallon, every other watering, with nutrients containing a NPK of something like 2-4-6
Hi Meangreen.

Thanks for your prompt response. I might have some time-release fert in the lower ranges. I thought to crush it to a powder and mix with water ang magnesium sulphate for your watering recommendation.

Also thanks for the deficiency table with clear pics. It does look more like a potassium def than mag. I'll add some mag with crushing some time-release fert I saw lying around somewhere. They're in small pellet form.

Can I sprinkle some atop the soil instead of crushing into water can ?

Well-Known Member
Hi Meangreen.

Thanks for your prompt response. I might have some time-release fert in the lower ranges. I thought to crush it to a powder and mix with water ang magnesium sulphate for your watering recommendation.

Also thanks for the deficiency table with clear pics. It does look more like a potassium def than mag. I'll add some mag with crushing some time-release fert I saw lying around somewhere. They're in small pellet form.

Can I sprinkle some atop the soil instead of crushing into water can ?
I wouldn't use time release nutrients. If you are able to check on your plants everyday then just use regular nutrients with every other watering.
I wouldn't use time release nutrients. If you are able to check on your plants everyday then just use regular nutrients with every other watering.
I only have an NPK 5-15-45 I use for flowering in half doses and an NPK 20-20-20 for veg both from, I believe, Growmore. I've found both to be stronger than necessary leading to some nute burn in earlier feeds AND also from initial experience on my first grow that ended 2 weeks ago. That's when I started useing much lighter doses overall. My soil already has dry cow manure added to it prior to transplanting as well as the bloodbonefish meal mix. It's at NPK 5-6-8 I believe.

I have no access to other varieties or growshop-style products in the "-istan" region. All I could find was the time-release pellets AND I also found a fish/blood-/bone-meal mix with the consistency of sand and the stench of skank puss. I used some of that already in my new transplant 5-gal soil pot when I transplanted from 3-gal to 5-gal a month ago. Perhaps by now most of that may have left the soil from my waterings?

Well-Known Member
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By now that most that stuff is gone. If I were you (because you do not have access to a hydroponics shop), I would go on amazon and do 2 day shipping. Here is the link for what I use.
I tried ordering that but Amazon does not ship these items to my location. I was also warned it might be on a banned list as some retards tend to use these ferts to make explosives instead of feeding plants.

My only hope is if someone is travelling down here to bring me some foxfarm and Calmag goodies with a big serving of Dr.doom spider mite killer. I guess those are my bare essentials.

Well-Known Member
I tried ordering that but Amazon does not ship these items to my location. I was also warned it might be on a banned list as some retards tend to use these ferts to make explosives instead of feeding plants.

My only hope is if someone is travelling down here to bring me some foxfarm and Calmag goodies with a big serving of Dr.doom spider mite killer. I guess those are my bare essentials.
I wouldn't have been able to grow, if I didn't have a hydroponics store near me.... Idk how you do it
I wouldn't have been able to grow, if I didn't have a hydroponics store near me.... Idk how you do it
Just a lot of research on my part. I refuse to believe I can't find a substitute in its more natural/unprocessed form. The discovery part is the first major step to my solutions without proper grow shops here. The second part is making that substitute usable form to plants root system.

Here are a few examples:
Epsom salt: didn't know the local terminology/translation, and nurseries/crappy grow shops (with local brands, nothing like what cannabis growers have access to abroad) could help me zone in on. Bless the user that mentioned its chemical components and I hit my chemist/lab guy (he's got all sorts of Chems for laboratory purposes, I even found calcium bentonite for my home brews for clarification purposes), low and behold he had it. Not your usual chemist, more like lab stuff but luckily he had this under a German brand as fine crystals. Paid $14 for 1.5 Lbs.

Potassium: I found some people making banana skin peel tea (after drying out the babana peels) for a source of potassium. That I'm under process drying some peels. I'm confident this will work. Updates asap when I've tried it thoroughly. Also coal ash was suggested to me. Just waiting for coals to die out and try this.

Spider mites: I wish I had Dr.doom or something similar. I've tried finding neem oil without any luck. Finally I tried my homeopathic shop. He had that AND garlic oil (to rid of mite eggs), so that was a lucky find. At the time my last grows mite problem had me in a major panic. Now I just bath my plants with a spray nozzle all under, every other day. It's been working well.

Calcium: As far as calcium goes, I'm really considering getting some of that stage 1 or 2 yr old baby food mixes and making a tea out of it. I've yet to find someone explaining how I can find calcium in our natural environment (like milk for example) to extract calcium and make something useful from that.

I guess the P/K element on my black indica has gotten quite bad. It may have been multiple deficiencies at work but leaning more towards setting potassi based instead of magnesium. I've fed it a few mag feeds but no difference to rate of yellowing and on new growth as well.

I'm hoping the banana peel tea and coal ashes will work. If it does, success for me and for anyone that comes across this post that can't access mainstream products locally.

Transporting Fertiliser brands in 32 ounce bottles with original packaging wouldn't have been much of an issue for someone travelling into the country, or doing it myself for that matter, but somewhere in the past some fucktard decided to make explosives out of it and it's on ban lists on most cargos unless with special permission and people trained in handling/transporting an NPK form of it.

Here's my black indica as of today after a good bath (mite reduction in progress, week 2):


Here's what came off just from the pressure nozzle. Too many ! =(
A loosing battle at the moment at my end.
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looks to me, like you need to feed your plant some potassium. But I'm not 100%, I just looked at this link

The new growth looks fine, I wouldn't worry about that.

If you are in soil I would feed 3/4 tsp per gallon, every other watering, with nutrients containing a NPK of something like 2-6-4

Here is what I use View attachment 3666693View attachment 3666694View attachment 3666695
Mr green thanks for your help. The lack of items available here have pushed my research abilities to a new height. I've found a banana peel tea method I will try and hopefully that works. Those who are successful almost swear by it. I'm trying to have one particular shop here get this stuff since he was the only one with some new international items like fish blood bone meal and some seaweed extract with minor NPK numbers useful for flowering.
Thanks a heap to everyone so far you've all helped me achieve something at some level with no successful brands at my disposal. I hope others find this post useful as well.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Just a lot of research on my part. I refuse to believe I can't find a substitute in its more natural/unprocessed form. The discovery part is the first major step to my solutions without proper grow shops here. The second part is making that substitute usable form to plants root system.

Calcium: As far as calcium goes, I'm really considering getting some of that stage 1 or 2 yr old baby food mixes and making a tea out of it. I've yet to find someone explaining how I can find calcium in our natural environment (like milk for example) to extract calcium and make something useful from that.

Egg shells are a natural form of calcium as Dr Who mentions on your other thread. (u can even save em up over the "off" season.)

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
It seams to be under control.

However on my other two plants, I have purple stems on my fan leaves. I have researched and it can be 3 things: lack of phosphorus, lack of cal/ mag, or its just the strain.
LOL..this is why i went back to growing outside in, but nice it worked..give it another dose if u havent for good luck.