Is this male signs or new growth.. Please help.. Pics posted..

It is only the sixth day of flower and yesterday i posted about sexin but today the spots that i see look kinda like mae sign, but i dont know really. It is showing these really small ball type things on the end part of branches and not on the main stem where everyone says they would be. Im stuck on lookin at these and comparing them to pics on the net..if someone sees what im talking about and knows, let me know what it is im lookin at...


Well-Known Member
pics a little fuzzy

but looks like the start of the nut/ball clusters

thats a male my man


Active Member
looks like you got a couple of males man. like i said in the other post NO WHITE PISTOLS then you got a ball cluster fuck!!!


Active Member
that usually will just get people kind of annoyed with you, if your post doesn't get a lot of views just bump it back up to the top....

you need better pictures for anyone to be able to tell you anything legit otherwise our guess is just as good as yours....

from what i can see it resembles normal new growth but like i said if the pics were better id be able to say for sure


Well-Known Member
the pics you have in newbie central looks like new growth compared

to these pics that you took at a different angle !!