Is this Molasses ?? PIC's~!


Well-Known Member
Hello Folks.
Mollasses- USA
Black treacle - UK
Its just the same thing, the residue left over after sugar, (which is originally dark brown and sticky) has been refined.
BTW Livevibe, how much do you intend growing????????
you only need a tsp - tblsp per gallon, a few times during flowering, a Gallon of treacle will last you forever, your old lady will be baking parkin and making traecle toffee for the next 50 years, or rather she could if it was food grade treacle.
Why not just nip down to ASDA and get yourself a little tin for under a quid, that would last you years.
And unless I'm very much mistaken, treacle has'nt any micro organisms, and feeding to plants has nothing to do with it either, your not getting mixed up with Orchids are you, or are you growing orchids???
As I understand it, the plant uses the simple/complex carbs in the sugars, and maybe some other trace elements in it.
AAAHHHHH, just a thought, are you geddin mixed up with brewing, wine/beer, or just a fermenting yeast culture, in your growroom to augment the CO2?????
Toodle Ooooo All
LOL!!! It lasts a long time at room temp and I have plants other than the obvious too.

As far as brewing molasses goes....check out this forum where I originally read about the true benefits of molasses - there are beneficial micro organisms that grow as long as it is brewed correctly. That's why I opted for the horticultural mix - it is thick and the soiless gets really rich and chocolate like in color after feeding plus no sticky residue and it can be used as foliar feed. The stuff is very interesting. It is not diluted and I think it is 1 tbsp - 1.5 per a gallon.

molasses and compost tea - Organic Gardening Forum - GardenWeb


Well-Known Member
dont mean to hijack your thread man just dont wanna start a new one...

so which is better for your plants unsulphered or blackstrap cuz i just got

grandmas original molasses unsulphered but i havent opened it yet
i have this exact same brand. seems to work well. i definitely noticed more growth while using this.

and for the poster who mentioned it affecting nitrogen uptake, that could very well be true, because i am in miracle gro soil, which has time released nutes, but they havent been a problem. i dont know if there is a correlation, but this is also an anecdotal observation.