Is this N toxicity or??


Active Member
if it's over fert, you could just flush the soil with tap water. the water, feed, water idea may not be the best thing.
yeah defanitly not for this plant i just flushed her gonna leave her till she dries. Then maybe 1 more water then quater to half strength nutes how does this sound? You all see its no ph trouble and i have a good ph pen that i calibrate with fresh calibration solution every week!


Well-Known Member
yeah you got to let soil dry out before watering. I don't know about more ferts. it might be possible to go the rest of the way without it. just don't know and impossible to tell. this is the problem with ferting a plant while it grows. it easy to get it wrong. some add too much. some too little. hard to know what to do.


Active Member
yeah you got to let soil dry out before watering. I don't know about more ferts. it might be possible to go the rest of the way without it. just don't know and impossible to tell. this is the problem with ferting a plant while it grows. it easy to get it wrong. some add too much. some too little. hard to know what to do.
I know they can be quite complicated ahh


Well-Known Member
well, yes and no. it's more a matter of how you use them. most of the products are pretty good, or should be. knowing how to use them is another matter.


Active Member
Ahh this is what the new growth looks like but its only on a couple branches in the middle and no where else really? Looks like its being burnt off and dying maybe a severe case of nutrient burn hey? Changed to my hps today


Well-Known Member
what the issue? the yellow spotting? hard to say. the leaf tips upturned? usually this is due to high air temp. describe better what you've done to this plant.


Active Member
what the issue? the yellow spotting? hard to say. the leaf tips upturned? usually this is due to high air temp. describe better what you've done to this plant.
I dont get it as my tent is well ventilated and the temp never goes above 25. And what do you mean done to it?? And the leaves are starting to get like black scortches on them and falling off
Judging by the last photo looks like a healthy plant going through stretch to me... Google N tox to know what it looks like. You get yellow tip+"the fang" - Its the easiest problem to address, and also probably the most common. You have neither symptom.


Active Member
Judging by the last photo looks like a healthy plant going through stretch to me... Google N tox to know what it looks like. You get yellow tip+"the fang" - Its the easiest problem to address, and also probably the most common. You have neither symptom.
hmm i seriously dont know :( im stunned she does look healthy and going throigh stretch apart from some of the leaves and burning new growth dunno what it could be


Active Member
Maybe it's picking up on your estrogen levels. Relax. The guy in post #2 had it right 3 pages ago. Your plants fine.
Haha all good man thanks for your re assurance i do need to stress less haha :) just curious how long have you been growing for :)?


Well-Known Member
it looks good in the pic but what do you mean black scortches? what is your fertilizer practice, what do you give it, how much each time, and how often do you feed? what soil are you using?


Active Member
I feed full strength nutes each feed. Which is every second water i am using canna terra professional its not soil haha. I ph at 5.9-6.0 which is right. And i mean literaly like black burns on the new growth. Shes doing good today tho started shooting out pistils im just going to continue giving water for a few more water. When do you think i should feed flowering nutes?


Well-Known Member
I asked that stuff because I suspected you were feeding too much. don't what the cause is to the blackening, but I know that leaves can turn black when they get too much phosphorus. the problem with growing like this is that people don't really know how much to feed or how often. many people over do the ferts as a result. canna terra pro is potting soil that has nutrients in it already. You shouldn't have to add much more, at least not for a while yet. this happens a lot too, where people buy a soil without knowing that it has fert in it already and they add more not realizing that they're killing the plant. I wonder if that's what is happening.