Is this Nitrogen deficiency, am I underfeeding?


Well-Known Member
around week 4 or 5 you will see some yellow leafs and some die off again at 8 or 10 normally. but to me it sounds malnourished


around week 4 or 5 you will see some yellow leafs and some die off again at 8 or 10 normally. but to me it sounds malnourished
You're probably right, I'm going to heavy feed them a couple of times and if it doesn't look any better, then I'll flush them and start over


I fed them the double dose of nutes and tested the ph and ppm of the waterand runoff. Could anyone please tell me if these numbers are okay and if I should flush or do something else?

Well/Rain water mix
882ppm without nutes
8ph without nutes
134ppm with nutes
5 ph with nutes (didn't adjust the ph, nutes have buffers)



Well-Known Member
looking at the runoff i say you have plenty of soil buffer (lime). 882 ppm with no nutrients is really high you must have the numbers mixed up.


I'm using a ph drop test kit from GenOrganics.
I think the reason it is so high is because we have really hard water at my house and I heard not to use softened water because of too much sodium.

Is the 134ppm nute water okay to water with or is that too low? I've read it should be int he thousands during bloom.
What about the runoff ppm?


Well-Known Member
I fed them the double dose of nutes and tested the ph and ppm of the waterand runoff. Could anyone please tell me if these numbers are okay and if I should flush or do something else?

Well/Rain water mix
882ppm without nutes
8ph without nutes
134ppm with nutes
5 ph with nutes (didn't adjust the ph, nutes have buffers)

You said 882 ppm without nutrients It should be 134ppm without and 882 with nutrients your nutrients are dropping your ph pretty bad. you might want to use ph up to get it in range 5.8 to 6.2 for hydro 6.3 to 6.5 for soilless mix 6.5 to 6.8 for organic soil


The instructions on the nutes say not to ph the water because they have buffers so I tried that out.

As for the ppm, those are the readings I got, maybe I have a faulty tester. The hardness of my water is unusually high so i'm not surprised it read 800ppm without nutes (without a softener, my tap is several thousand ppm)
Say that the nute water is really 134ppm, is that too low, can it harm the plants?

I'm using the GO BOX which is supposed to be organic and the ph up/down chemicals would apparently kill the beneficial bacteria in the nutes, according to gen organics
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Well-Known Member
rainwater is acidic it lowers ph. 800 ppm water is not safe to drink Anything over 500 is not safe. soft water wouldn't be good for the plants either. you might need a reverse osmosis system.


I don't drink the tap water because the ppm is so high.

with my nutrients, the water is 134ppm which seems really low to me.

thanks for the links, ill check them out :)
do you think flushing the plants would help or harm the plants in any way?


Well-Known Member
I don't drink the tap water because the ppm is so high.

with my nutrients, the water is 134ppm which seems really low to me.

thanks for the links, ill check them out :)
do you think flushing the plants would help or harm the plants in any way?
It will wash out your soil buffers. if your plants just look a little yellow and no spotting (necrosis) then dont flush. Your runoff ppms are fine. Just increase the Nitrogen Bloodmeal works real good and its cheap i use 5 pounds in my soil recipe and it a water only garden.


Well-Known Member
I make a soil concentrate and add other potting mixes when its time to plant. Its basically a strong compost.


Well-Known Member
I'm not familiar with the stuff your using but if your trying to grow in living soil, you should take it to the organics forums.


It will wash out your soil buffers. if your plants just look a little yellow and no spotting (necrosis) then dont flush. Your runoff ppms are fine. Just increase the Nitrogen Bloodmeal works real good and its cheap i use 5 pounds in my soil recipe and it a water only garden.
I mixed up the nutes again today to test the ppm because it just didn't seem right to be that low and I noticed a tiny 'x10' next to the number :lol: which means my water with nutes was actually 1340ppm yesterday with the runoff at 250ppm, thats normal? I doubled the nutes and I think they're looking a bit better already, more on the greener side rather than yellow.

I've fed them the past two times, do you think I should keep feeding until they look better or just use water next time?