Is this nitrogen deficiency ? Please help ):

This lil baby autoflower has had a hell of a 6 weeks. I almost killed her and stunted her really bad then she exploded with growth after giving her grow big by fox farms. Ive been giving 1/4 teaspoon in a gallon of water and shes been getting fed with every watering. I'm trying to not let her die but I'm not sure exactly whats going on here.



Well-Known Member
Probably just a little Mg biggie. I'd use Epsom salts...maybe 1/2" tsp/gal...just put it in with nutes...but some people go foliar.


Well-Known Member
Looks hungry to me and some low P happening too. She needs some well balanced veg nutes and a 1/4 tsp/gal sounds like starvation rations.

What's the media she's in? Awfully tiny for a 6 week auto. Did you recently transplant to a bigger pot?



Well-Known Member
Oh. Coco. That's a whole 'nother other critter to get used to. I never use it. Can't get it here and it seems to need special care and treatment compared to peat based media like the ProMix HP I've been using for about 10 years.

For sure then you should be feeding a lot more than you are as coco has zero nutes in it and most of what I've read it needs a lot of CalMag from the beginning to condition it as it absorbs both Mg and Ca so that needs to be topped up before the plants get any.

With coco or any soilless media you are basically growing like hydro and must supply everything for your plants.

I would mix up a batch of those nutes at full strength and soak the pot real good with it even if it's already fairly well watered. Flush the old stuff out with the new. It won't need more food for a while but coco should never dry out like you would want with peat based media so should have water added fairly regularly.

Might not be the best food for your plants either. I just checked out FF website and their Hydro Liquid Trio Pack would be what I would get for growing in soilless. I'm surprised they don't have that made for coco specifically. With that and CalMag you'd be well covered for all the basics in coco tho what you have should work if you give them enough. They say for general feeding it should be 2-3 tsp/gal so you're giving way to little.

General Feeding: 2-3 teaspoons (10-15 mL) per gallon (4 L) of water every other watering.
Heavy feeding: 4 teaspoons (20 mL) per gallon (4 L) of water every other watering.

For best results you should have some bloom formula too.

For an auto 6 weeks in it's a bit late to expect much out of that plant. You might pull a half oz off her if all goes well from now but I'm not at all sure about that.

Got another seed? :)

I am at about 6.3 ish and I did not buffer. When i say this lil lady had a bad start it was bad. Im surprised shes made it this far and i want to keep her going. I dont expect much out of her but I want to do what i can to make her healthy. Shes my first grow ever and I'm learning as i go.


Active Member
This lil baby autoflower has had a hell of a 6 weeks. I almost killed her and stunted her really bad then she exploded with growth after giving her grow big by fox farms. Ive been giving 1/4 teaspoon in a gallon of water and shes been getting fed with every watering. I'm trying to not let her die but I'm not sure exactly whats going on here.
Are the big white things landscaping stones or perlite?


Well-Known Member
I am at about 6.3 ish and I did not buffer. When i say this lil lady had a bad start it was bad. Im surprised shes made it this far and i want to keep her going. I dont expect much out of her but I want to do what i can to make her healthy. Shes my first grow ever and I'm learning as i go.
I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS . I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as many are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.



Well-Known Member
I am at about 6.3 ish and I did not buffer. When i say this lil lady had a bad start it was bad. Im surprised shes made it this far and i want to keep her going. I dont expect much out of her but I want to do what i can to make her healthy. Shes my first grow ever and I'm learning as i go.
For the future, it's always a good practice to rinse and buffer your coco before using ensures a good start to your plants from start, through up potting, to finish. If it were me, I'd get my pH down to 5.8, and hover as closely to it as you can. Anytime my pH is riding that high, in coco, I will experience deficiencies. This is where I'd start. Good luck.