Is this normal female plant growth??! pics inc. please have a look


Active Member

have circled my queries in red, please give your opinions. my first grow, day 20 of flower this plant has these capsule(?????) like growths at the crown of many of its buds.

is this normal growth for a female plant, do they normally do this when flowering or is this a hermie? is stressing me out could you please give your thoughts?



Active Member
Yeah, its still growing while flowering, thats a good thing. You dont want it to stop do you?


Active Member
Ok then if in doubt? Pull it off and spray some reversal and penatrator on it.
so you reckon its just normal growth? do yours show the same growth i have circled>?????

yeh i just dont want it dropping a load in my room...

if i pull them and it wasnt seed pods will this destroy the growth of my buds or will it have a neglible effect?
