Is this normal or a freak????


Active Member
yeah i had a russian rocket fuel do that to me, turned out to be one of the strongest grows so i ever did so that sucked i only had so little. the thing about autos is when they ready to flower they just do it


looks good for your first time, dont listen to anyone negative. the experience you gain from this is worth 10x what the elecrtricity is worth that you paid to grow this, good job and keep it up brothr. :peace:


Well-Known Member
when the tap root hits the side it limits vertical height
try a wider pot looks good though buddy a little fine tuning and youll have some monsters


This is one of two white autos planted and germinated at the same time...the other one is over twice the height.....lights are 1 pro grow 180 and 1 ufo 90w..2 gallon airpots...are the pots too small..not enough light??????


Well-Known Member
wow those are 2 gallons? they must be really tall they only look 10" wide or so
some would be quick to blame genetics
i bet when you harvest if you were to cut into the root ball the tap goes straight to one of those pruning holes
the taps are really shallow and run at like a 45 degree angle normally
if the plant is never allowed to build a big root structure then it wont be able to gain any height
has nothing to support the weight
if the soil is to compact or dense it will also do this i have more then one do this from using a real sandy cheap potting mix


Yes...the pots are 10 inches wide.....soil is Promix High Porosity....(hope i spelled that right).i am only looking to grow some better than normal street spice..smaller the better.....actually i am trying to grow some AWESOME spice..but do they smell nice...anyway..i only use about 2 tablespoons of spice a im am not looking for yield only quality.......something like that......thanks for the input.....later:-P
hey bogwood go to youtube and type in '' hygro hybrid '' trust me and watch everything he has im on my first grow and I like what aknight9 said about don't listen to all the neg comments hey the plant didn't fucking die so you did something right , im on my first grow and if you see my plant is only on day 34 and its an auto as well . I just watched and took notes and went from there but by the look of mine it seems to be working mine is 14''w x 9''t so im expecting a decent yield . O and look into SMART POTS they really work well and help a lot for drainage and heat issues. hope it helps it gives you a very detailed explanation on everything and he pulls 1+ lbs dry harvest off single indoor plant.