Is this normal or hermie? I need some info!


Active Member
So, is this a hermie or is it normal girly behavour? 20110102_005.jpg

And what if it is a hermie, should i remove the plant asap so i dont get seeds? What is the normal procedure? ...dont need/want seeds.


Active Member
Hermied male flowers look like bananas and are usually yellow. If you're worried, just cut off what you may think be hermie parts. If you're in the beginning of flower, and you decide they're hermie, toss the plant. If you're at day 40, just let it go, you'll get a few seeds, which you shouldn't grow as they would also be prone to herme, but the weed on the plant is just fine to smoke. Make sure you give your grow area and equipment a good scrubbing before putting a new grow in to be sure the pollen left in the room is no longer viable.

Learning all the time

Active Member
you'll know for sure in another day or two if that round pod that looks like pollen sack drops...if not then it's just a weird shaped bract. looks pretty female to me with all that hair, kinda too early to decide for me.


New Member
Its either a hermie or pregnant plant. If hairs come out of those balls its pregnant. Im having this problem right now...onem ale will really fuck everything up...


Active Member
Day 18 flowering.

Shouldn´t i see more sacks like grapes if its hermied?
When does the sacks burst if it turnes out a hermie? Its he first day i see these sacks and i check em every day so it might be too early to say..?


Active Member
a couple of people are making this too hard on you. listen to realstyles, it's a hermie (very early along). you should get rid of it.

they havent released any kind of pollen yet so your other plants will be fine. just get it out of there and dont play w the bananas


Active Member
Ty 2stoned, thats kinda the answer i was looking for (some confirmation). I´ll go chop him/her right away.


Well-Known Member

This is an early complete hermie where it develops both male and female parts.

The other semi hermie's as i call them are the ones where your buds develop YELLOW BANANAS the male flower.

Throw that plant away!!!! Before you do it turn off all fans in your grow room, black bag the plant and remove from the area then turn fans back on after hermie is removed.



New Member
By pregnant I menat had seeds...but I have to agree after looking's a hermie.