is this normal? or more lights


Active Member
Nice growth for 4 weeks! I would get 2 more bulbs in there if you can. If you're planning on flowering soon then yes, I would get more 2700k bulbs.


Well-Known Member
SHort ryders should be showing flowers by 4 weeks time. What is your current lighting set up & cycle? For 3 auto flower plants I would recommend around 250 watts of 2700k cfl's from the start. They look pretty big for any autoflower, but I think that's because of the type of lighting you're giving them. I'm interested to see how these turn out, because they should be showing flowers already. Autos are weird. Your plants look healthy tho, so kudos, & good luck getting them to bud nicely for you.
I don't know much about growing plants so I guess flowering is when the white hairs are showing up? I had it mainly on 6500k for the first 3 weeks then went 50/50 last week. It's also on 20/4. The thing I find surprising is that the middle plant is the biggest but when putting it in the rockwool I had snapped the root in half. I'm guessing normally that would have killed it.


Well-Known Member
I don't know much about growing plants so I guess flowering is when the white hairs are showing up? I had it mainly on 6500k for the first 3 weeks then went 50/50 last week. It's also on 20/4. The thing I find surprising is that the middle plant is the biggest but when putting it in the rockwool I had snapped the root in half. I'm guessing normally that would have killed it.
Ya for sure man white hairs all da way. Apparently breaking it stimulated it instead. Kinky bitch. :) Put them on a 12/12 light cycle with 75% 2700k bulbs. You should see flowers in 7 days. Unless you want them to keep getting bigger. I don't know how much space you have. But they will get larger when they start to flower. Looks to me like the "auto" genetics you have aren't so "auto" after all. Fairly typical the more I read. They say these things will flower on any light cycle but they usually don't. 12/12 from seed is always the best way to go with these things from what I read, which you really could do with just about any strain out there...


Well-Known Member
Breakinig roots generally make a plant focus on bushing out. That's probably why it's like that. Looks nice IMO! Should be a nice grow.
well the plants started to flower but it seems like only the middle is really flowering. I've started to see the small clear stuff on the leaves but for the other two plants on the left and right seem to be stunted. All the conditions are the same in the box but the middle plant looks like its a week ahead of the others. Any ideas why this is happening?