Is this normal?


Usually seedlings only have 2 leaves.
Is 3 bad? Is it lucky like a 4 leaf clover?
Is it a bad omen? Is it a miracle?
Or is it quite common?



Well-Known Member
I always have 2 leaves on my new seedlings. That's pretty strange but shouldn't be a problem... unless you get a hermie or something strange. Guess we have to wait a few weeks to find out. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
From what I understand its a triploid and from what I've seen / heard in grow journals it yields quite a bit more... But that could just be hear say :o


Well-Known Member
It is a tri-foliate. I'm growing one right now from a DNA Genetics LA Woman freebie. From what others have told me, they may have a tendency to turn hermaphroditic. However, mine is in it's 5th week of flowering and there are no signs of any hermie traits. Because it has three leaves per node, it will also have three buds per node. If the plant grows to full potential it could have 50% more bud on it because of the extra growth.

Nothing to be too excited about, many people on here have grown them. Basically, watch out for problems and hope that it grows out normally.


Well-Known Member
It is a tri-foliate. I'm growing one right now from a DNA Genetics LA Woman freebie. From what others have told me, they may have a tendency to turn hermaphroditic. However, mine is in it's 5th week of flowering and there are no signs of any hermie traits. Because it has three leaves per node, it will also have three buds per node. If the plant grows to full potential it could have 50% more bud on it because of the extra growth.

Nothing to be too excited about, many people on here have grown them. Basically, watch out for problems and hope that it grows out normally.
...................30% more


It is a tri-foliate. I'm growing one right now from a DNA Genetics LA Woman freebie. From what others have told me, they may have a tendency to turn hermaphroditic. However, mine is in it's 5th week of flowering and there are no signs of any hermie traits. Because it has three leaves per node, it will also have three buds per node. If the plant grows to full potential it could have 50% more bud on it because of the extra growth.

Nothing to be too excited about, many people on here have grown them. Basically, watch out for problems and hope that it grows out normally.
God i hope it's a lady. 50% more sounds good. But 30% aint bad either.

Good luck with your tri man!


Well-Known Member
I had one like that (Kali Mist)... nicknamed her Trixie. She didn't yeild noticably more than her sisters, but I favored her anyway and worked from her clones for a year or so. Didn't have a hermie issue, either.

You'll probably get a couple of sets of 3, and then the plant will settle down into the usual sets of 2. Definately post if the trifolate thing continues for five or six nodes.