Is this normal?


This girl has been doin fine until the Las 2 or 3 days, shes about 4 ft tall, using some soil I mixed together with cow manure and feeding her jus rain water. I have her in like a 3 or a 5 gallon bucket not rlly sure which it is.All the buds look fine and are growing, but slowly. Ive read on here that yellowing leaves are normal for flowering but for some reason I dont think this is the case. Is there a chance she may b root bound or w.e? And will it hurt her to go ahead and transplant even kno I only have 4 to 6 Weeks left until the heavy frosts begin. Another thing I wondering, is it safe to post pics from a cell phone?



Well-Known Member
I can't imagine transplanting at this point would be a good idea. I don't worry much about a few yellowing leaves so just keep her watered and fed. I wouldn't have thought you needed another six weeks but I'm having my own troubles with frost looming. I don't think my chit will be ready if we frost by the average date here of 10/20.
Big difference between a 3 and a 5 gallon pot and neither is really big enough. If it's a three gallon pot than it's probably bound up tighter than a frogs ass. You should be able to lay it on it's side and slide the whole rootball out without hurting anything and then at least you will know. GL Budski.:D


Well-Known Member
If you have yellow leaves that are fresher toward the top, then you have a nute imbalance I think. A few (not a lot) yellow leaves toward the bottom (water leaves) are normal throughout the growing cycle. Manure and soil is an ok medium in sunny climates, but if you have humid or rainy conditions with not enough sun, that can be a problem too.


Thanks for the advice. im goin to check her tomorrow to see if shes rootbound.another thing I am wondering is if she is rootbound. Can I jus cut the bottom out of my pot and place the pot into a hole in the ground? Maybe that will prevent shock.


Active Member
You don't have to worry about the heavy frost or even the light frost: that plant is well on its way to completion. Transplanting is a waste of time at this point and may do more harm than good. No more than 2-3 weeks left, if that. Another 10 days would be my bet.


yellow leaves are normal towards the end of the flowering cycle. The plant is focusing more on the production of resin. You could cut the bottom off, the roots will continue to grow. I wouldnt transplant tho, too much stress. looks like ur guna be safe for frost, that plant needs about 3 more weeks til its ready. And as far as the cell phone thing goes, im sure its no different than uploading a picture onto a desktop computer. Unless they got ur phone tapped or something haha nice plant.