Is this normal??


Thanks everyone for the excellent advice!! Its growing nice and strong!!


I am growing in coco but i"m only feeding once or twice a week. I don't see any deficiencies any more should i still up it?


Active Member
What size containers are you using? And feeding once or twice a week in coco means your containers are too large. coco dries much faster than soil and when it does can cause salt build ups and ph fluctuations. I would suggest watering at least every other day so your plants have a continuous supply of fresh nutes.


i'm using a 3 gal smart pot. I wait till the top 1/2 inch is dry. I feed 900 ppm and the last run off i checked had about 200 ppm. the plant doesn't seem to be drooping or showing any deficiencies. But ill trying switching it up a bit.


Active Member
I use 3 gal smart pots too. If it's working you can stick to it but I'm always a fan of tweaking things to see if tthere's room for improvement. With coco you dont need to wait until the top inch or so is dry like with soil. Also your runoff may be 200 but plants use different nutrients at different rates so you may not be providing optimal levels of one or the the other. I feed mine at around 400 ppm but because Iwater a few times a day the plants always have fresh nutes. Watering more frequently also utilizes the main benefit of coco allowing your plants to grow faster. it's almost impossible to overwater coco so don't worry about that. In veg I'll water once a day when theyre in 3 gal then in bloom i up it to a few short waterings a day.