Is this normal ?


Active Member
Hi there. This is my first grow. Its in its 5th week of bloom (having spent 4 weeks in veg). I use soil (Fox Farms potting soil) in 3.2 (ish) gal pots. Lighting is a 1000W HPS currently running 12/12. Nutrients are Fox Farm also (Tiger Bloom, Grow Big, and Big Bloom, currently using Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom) with either Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz or Cha Ching every other feeding according to the Fox Farm schedule (currently on Cha Ching). I generally do a heavy day (15ml/gallon), followed by a light day (5ml/gallon) then a day of just water. And I water usually 4-6 cups (2-3 pints) per time every 2nd or 3rd day as needed. I have a total of 15 plants under this light (3' X 5' space). I put the city water in a sterile barrel with a bubbler for a couple of days before I use it and I ph the water to 6 (ish). I then mix the nutrients and ph'd water into a 5 gallon bucket but I don't ph the mixture after. I just apply it and throw away any spare (so I don't use a "stale" mixture). I have not tested the soil in the pots for salts (don't own a meter yet). The plants came from cuttings and I thought were bug free. Oh, the plants are about a dozen Chem Dog and the balance Cheese. A fan is blowing lightly 24/7 and of course exhaust is handled by a properly sized fan sucking thru charcoal filters and then to the attic for disbursal.

A month ago I started another group of 20 plants (GDP) in the room next door with the same basic set-up and feeding system. I bought these plants as cuttings also but from a different supplier (a dispensary where I didn't have any knowledge about what the mothers were like, etc). I just found spider mites (tiny, tiny insects running around utilizing webs between the leaves) and am treating them with Isotox (can't find any Avid out here in California). I just noticed them yesterday (I inspect the plants every day) and sprayed last night (just the main affected plant and the ones surrounding it and, if they are still OK after tonight or tomorrow I will then spray all the plants in this room).

My problem is this: Now I am paranoid. In my first grow spot (paragraph 1 above) I notice that some of the leaves are turning brown near the edges and then becoming dry and brittle and then falling off. I have carefully examined the underside (and topside) of the leaves and can't see any evidence of bugs in this group but is this "browning" normal ? I thought it was prior to finding the bugs next door but now I am paranoid.

Any help or thoughts you guys can give me is MUCH appreciated !

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and thank you, in advance, to any who post their thoughts and/or suggestions.




Well-Known Member
looks like heat stress and the temp is way to high there crisping up check the temp mang and put the thermometer on by the canopy of all ur plants and see how how it is that should be the reason. Rember a 1000w HPS does produce alot of heat and if u have to close will burn ur shit


Well-Known Member
or an other thing might be its juss plain normal since ur plants are going thru flowering it happen when ur plant start to focus more on bud production than anything else but i cant tell due to the color of the HPS light emite