Is this nut burn?


Well-Known Member
No , nute burn is usually dead tips and margins. This is another issue could be ph out or overwatering.


Well-Known Member
I'd think it was nuteburn, but could be ph too as B suggests. Did you sow into soil for seedlings? - if not my guess would be nute burn.
New growth looks good, so hopefully it'll be good now.


Active Member
Looks like nute burn to me. See how dark green the leaves are. That's a sign of too much N.


Well-Known Member
New growth looks too good to be burn. Burn doesn't happen to one set of leaves. Water issue to be sure.


Active Member
New growth is supposed to be green, not dark dark green. When you overdo the nitrogen, it turns a dark green like that. If its overdone even more, that causes the burn. And burn can happen to one set of leaves if the roots hit a hotspot of nutes in the soil.


New Member
humidity and heat issues cool your room and get more fans goin put some wet sponges in there