Is this nute burn or Natural 56 days of flowering.


Well-Known Member
rise in temps can cause a rise in humidity depending on how much watering is being done and how well the runoff is? if there's a lot of run off the hotter it gets the more evaporation there is. which would mean more humidity right?
I didn't feel like typing it....thank you..:peace:


Well-Known Member
don't really see any signs of heat stress so temps look ok from the pics.

I was just looking at how they hook over towards the top of the plant. I've only had mine do that when they were right up on the light. TBH i'm trying to figure out exactly why mine do that sometimes.


Well-Known Member
yeah... as i can see.. all the triches are still see thru... not milky. although maybe 15% of the triches are milky... the ones closest to the top are the milkiest...


Well-Known Member
well im not using soil.. im using home made aero setup... the temp is not ar 78... because its been hot latly... and humidity is around 20-30%... this past couple of days

Im using a 600W HPS and a side lighting 2 48" 40W floro tubes... but it migh make sense as the fan leaves that get no light are turning yellow.. but some that do get light are turning yellow as well


Well-Known Member
thats to be expected, alot of people have to harvest the top cola sooner than the rest just due to light distance and how fast the lower buds mature. sounds like at least 2 weeks. mine where about the same as yours a week ago, from week 6 to 7 the trichs went from 25% cloudy to about 75% cloudy and in this last week i hope for my trichs to go about 75% cloudy and 25%amber. so you should still have about two weeks on your top cola maybe another 3weeks on the lowers.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I know nothing... but I did notice you stated it was only the LOWER leaves turning yellow. Could it be the simple fact that at your plant's height the lower leafs are just not getting the light??????

I dunno.... but it sounded logical in my brain...


Well-Known Member
if your using a 600w hps the light shouldn't be an issue that light can penetrate up to 3ft into the canopy depending on how dense it is.


Well-Known Member
I know nothing... but I did notice you stated it was only the LOWER leaves turning yellow. Could it be the simple fact that at your plant's height the lower leafs are just not getting the light??????

I dunno.... but it sounded logical in my brain... :D



Well-Known Member

Im pretty stoned so that shit sounded funny... Logic Smogic... hahahah

I dont know i was just doing research.. and from what i understand.. the plant thinks its in early FALL... because of its genetics... so it drops some of the fan leaves and focuses more on the flowers...

The big fan leaves on the stems are to help general stem growth and branch growth.. the fan leaves on the branches help to grow flower...

SO the stem DID stop growing..and its not getting tall anymore.... (its about 5 feet tall) when i check... i noticed its just the big ass fan leaves connected to the stem..

So it kinda makes sense??? Orr this is just some bulllllllshEEEEEM


Well-Known Member

Basically.. what i read it says... the plant thinks its in early fall and this is natural for it to be dropping the big fan leaves connected to the MAIN STEM....

THese fan leaves connected to the main stem help for growth... so when they stop growing in hight... the leaves fall off (no use) and branch leaves get bigger...


Well-Known Member
you notice the burnt tips on your plants leafs..this is from over nuting...the yellow leafs with necrotic spots an green veins is a cal mag defenciency.....if it was just an n def the leafs would simply lose there color an fall off....peace az


Well-Known Member
When I was growing afghani#1 it always finished in about 50 days under12/12.The yellow leaves are normal though, they die off as the buds mature.


Well-Known Member
those leafs arent just yellow fella's..look at those pics closely....the burnt leaf tips that are now curling...she probly has locked up the cal/mag in her soil with inbalened ph since has prbly tried to fix it by givin it more nutes only to lock it up worse...peace az