Is This NUTE BURN!!??


Active Member
Hello, i have a few questions if someone can help

1.Can someone tell me if this tip of the leaf being brighter than the whole, nute burn?

2. Also one pic has a leaf in the far back its startingto scrunch up as if it were drying out. Plants get plenty of water and its not to hot and humity is about 50%. What could be causing this.

3. My seedlings always seem to stretch under 150W CFL. I have an LED light htat is 450W with knobs for RED/BLUE/WHITE light. is this good for seedlings?


Please help anyone



Active Member
Also this is the light i want to use for seedlings going further because mine keep stretching, is this enough lumens for 2 by 5 foot space. Below is pic of the light



Well-Known Member
In my opinion never give the plant water below 6 ph for soil. Make sure you are not over watering, give the soil time to DRY before you water it again.


Well-Known Member
Hello, i have a few questions if someone can help

1.Can someone tell me if this tip of the leaf being brighter than the whole, nute burn?

2. Also one pic has a leaf in the far back its startingto scrunch up as if it were drying out. Plants get plenty of water and its not to hot and humity is about 50%. What could be causing this.

3. My seedlings always seem to stretch under 150W CFL. I have an LED light htat is 450W with knobs for RED/BLUE/WHITE light. is this good for seedlings?


Please help anyone
Looks like you might be having some ph problems. If I were you I would stay in the 6.5 - 6.8 range if you're growing in soil.

Bobby Long Buds

Well-Known Member
Hello, i have a few questions if someone can help

1.Can someone tell me if this tip of the leaf being brighter than the whole, nute burn?

2. Also one pic has a leaf in the far back its startingto scrunch up as if it were drying out. Plants get plenty of water and its not to hot and humity is about 50%. What could be causing this.

3. My seedlings always seem to stretch under 150W CFL. I have an LED light htat is 450W with knobs for RED/BLUE/WHITE light. is this good for seedlings?


Please help anyone
1- I don’t know much about fox farm soil but I think people use it with success for seedlings. I think a seed starter mix with less nutrients would work better though. But no I don’t think it’s classical nutrient burn.

2 - I can’t find that leaf but if I had to guess you are overwatering your girls. Maybe not but these plants hate hate hate being too wet for too long. You can rack your brain about ph and nutrients till your crazy and create problems that look just like other problems. Don’t water those cups untill they are NEARLY as light as a cup with just dry soil.

3 - cfl lights provide me with the best results I’ve ever had for seedlings under 2 weeks old. Zero stretch issues. Even with standard household cfl’s. I keep my 125 watt cfl 4-6 inches away. Best way to find out how your light works is to just hang it and try. Turn the knobs till it looks like springtime in your cabinet. More blue less red typically used during veg I recon.

4 - I’ve been doing this for only 3 years. If someone claims to know more. They probably do.

Bobby Long Buds

Well-Known Member
Also this is the light i want to use for seedlings going further because mine keep stretching, is this enough lumens for 2 by 5 foot space. Below is pic of the light
That light I think is 200 max watts. (400 equivalents) Therefore at 40 watts per square foot I think you can cover 5 square feet. Without looking into it at all my guess is ghat light should cover a 2x2 foot grow tent. Maybe 2x3 foot. Look here at riu for how best to use that light do not go to the vipar spectra website.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
Plants love flourescent T8's better than anything until they are 10-12" tall. Blasting any more light on them will not make them any happier just more stressed. They will probably still survive just fine.