Is this Nutrient burn??


Active Member
This is Purple OG kush inside a 5 gallon dwc. I am using Cutting edge solution bloom, grow, micro. I am using 1/2 recommended strength nutrient and around 6 ph +/- 0.5. Temps are around 75-80 F and 40 humidity. Kinda hard to see but the margin of the leafs are turning gray to black and it looks like it is starting from the newest growth and working its way to the older leaves. Any ideas what this could be. Thanks



Well-Known Member
Hard to see in that pic, but more than likely a def rather than a burn

def's show up more in new growth, burns more in older growth

not always true, ie an N def shows as older leaves but it because the plant eats itself to supply N to new growth

Yours sounds more like a missing (or low) micronute?


Active Member
Sorry I posted 2 threads...The newer thread has the better picks of today this pic was from yesterday when it was on 1/4 str nutrient, just enhanced the nutrient solution to 1/2 str hoping this will help.