is this ok for right now?

mr. marijuana

Active Member
is this lamp ok for right now its a cfl light i think 60watts. im going to vegg this plant until its ready to flower and put outside in the sun for the spring. but is this ok just this 1 lamp?

the 1st pic is wat my plant looks like now
2nd pic is wat it looked like saturday
3rd is my setup



Well-Known Member
That light in the third picture looks like two feet away, I'd put it a lot closer (looks stretched in the 2nd pic)... I don't know how much one light is going to do for you.. but it looks like it's working so far.

mr. marijuana

Active Member
i dont kno y its looks 2 foot but it does. its really only like 9-12 inches. i had a llittle stunted growth problem but it seems to be back on track now. im just worried about lighting because im living with parents and im worried its not getting enough light


Well-Known Member
Thats to far for such a little light. You want that light with in inch's(1-2) of the plant.

mr. marijuana

Active Member
really and it wont get any burn? btw sometimes im too lazy to turn the light back on so it sometimes doesnt get 24 hours sometimes it gets maybe 14-15 is this alright? and how long till its ready to flower?


Well-Known Member
please tell me you have a plan for flowering. smell wise. ???? so many people just start growing and dont even know what their getting into . that plant you have there-saying its a female- is going to reak like mary jane in a couple months and if your parents arent cool with that. why the hell are you growing in THEIR house?????? if ya dont got permission DONT DO IT........... grow up alittle and move out then grow. its not that hard to understand......


Active Member
flourescents dont get very hot. hold your hand under a spot you think is good, and if it is too hot to keep it there, move it a little more away. the plant will react similarly to your hand


Well-Known Member
that is really too small for any decent growth to occur. try to spring for a flourescent fixture (the excuse is you need a work light for homework, hobbies, etc) at least a flourescent bulb in an incandescent fixture beats the current setup. and it must be no further than 3" from the plant! this is why it must be flourescent. a regular bulb would cook a plant being that close. and a regular bulb doesn't have the proper light that plants need. I don't know the scientific details but flourescents are better for stealth (no heat buildup). but you do know when she grows she will be emitting a pot smell? you can' avoid it but you can cover it up. look elsewhere on this site for info on stealth growing (also called Gorilla gardening). hope this helps...


Well-Known Member
You need a fan on that plant.
If you don't have a timer leave the light on 24hour a day. you should never mess with the light cycle unless you changing over to fruit/flower.
I never fruit/flower a plant till its atleased a month old.

mr. marijuana

Active Member
im moving it outside once its ready to flower puttin it on 12/12 for 2 weeks then movin it out.ive been too lazy to put the light back on because ive been sick the past couple days with the flu.the last time i grew they didnt smell it i suppose because i never got caught


Well-Known Member
really they cost all of about $6-8 at Home Depot. buy a lamp timer (for turning your lights on/off while you are away, or too damn lazy lol) run an extension thru the closet, viola! A grow room! and in a month or two the sweet smell of growing herb! car fresheners work for small setups buy a 3-pack once a month (excuse is your feet/shoes reek) and it keeps your room smelling NOT like weed (stay away from Pina Coloda, be forewarned!) which is cool.

mr. marijuana

Active Member
thanx u guys have really been helpful. im a be goin to home depot and lowes to pick some stuf up for my grow. ill make a journal too if anyone wants to keep up with it. btw it was bagseed of some indica