Is this Over-watering?


Soil grown in Miracle grow potting soil with moisture control. 4-4' t-12 fluorescents on a 20on-4off cycle. A steady 22 degrees C (72F). No nutes yet.

I'v had problems with my first batch of seedlings due to under-watering. So maybe I over did it on this batch.
I have been watering every second day. I usually fill up the little saucer under the pot and let the soil wick it up, and I pour in 40-60ml of water on top. I though I was doing the right thing because the seedling right next to it has been doing just fine, way better actually, it's 50% bigger then this one.

How much exactly should I be watering? Or is this a result of something completely different.




Active Member
might be the miracle grow.. not enough mg maybe?

ed: didnt know if i was right but i just read this: (Mg) deficiency usually turns the older growth leaves a spotty or blotchy yellow. It will eventually get brownish as it worsens. Usually it starts at the outer edges of the leaf and works it way in. The margins of the leaves may bulge up and the tips can curl.


Active Member
shouldn't be mg def this early imo i would say overwatering. When they are small they dont use much water so just soak them, and feel the weight each day till it feels light. Althought it could be something else
by any means. I think that it is overwatering. I am on my second grow and I only watered once a week so the roots would have to search for water...I believe thats how the roots grow. I would water from the top until water runs out the holes in the bottom and the wait a little bit then dump the excess water from the dish until it stays dry. I think every other day is way too much. Water it well then lift the pot. See how it will notice when it is much lighter in a few days....then water it again. Good luck.


Active Member
top 3 inches of soil should be bone dry before watering. Just stick your finger in the soil and test . Get rid of the saucer and water from the top and let drain out, dont leave sitting in standing water that is defeating the purpose of the drainage holes. Roots need lots of oxygen and u can get root rot if u keep your roots soaked constantly.

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Water when the top 3-4 inches of soil is very dry. Varies depending on your environment but should be every 3 or 4 days. Also use nutes your babies will love them.