Is This Overwatered or Undewatered? Or something else?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys. So I have some pictures up showing the problem. My best assumption from research would be either over watered or under watered.
Two plants same 18 gallon tote.
Plants are 1 1/2 months old.
Organic amended soil. A recipe a well known member here gave me.
Using Led and Hps.
Temps were about 75-80F when I had just the leds. When I added the HPS the temps jumped to 88-90 for a week till the weather got colder and I adjusted my ventilation. I added the HPS
Humidity went from 35% to now steady at 18%.
Im using Humboldt organic nutes at full strength.
Im watering once every 2 weeks: feed, feed, water.
2 Gallons per tote, spring water.
Ph of soil 6.9
Still vegging under 18/6 schedule.
I know this sounds stupid but I cant remember how heavy the tote was before I watered it so I cant compare weights.


bird dog

Well-Known Member
Your plants look healthy to me, but you should have already flipped these a couple weeks ago. Also, you may want to re-consider your "2 weeks: feed, feed, water". Most here would probably tell you (including me) that you should feed, water, water, every other day, especially after the flip. Looking good friend! Peace


Well-Known Member
Your plants look healthy to me, but you should have already flipped these a couple weeks ago. Also, you may want to re-consider your "2 weeks: feed, feed, water". Most here would probably tell you (including me) that you should feed, water, water, every other day, especially after the flip. Looking good friend! Peace
Every other day? I water them with two gallons of water per tote till theres a good amount of runoff and wait till the soil is dry to the touch cause I don't remember the weight of the pot before I watered it lol.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Plants enjoy constant nutrition and water. Soil should never be allowed to dry out, IF, you have plenty of roots and foliage to wick off excess soil moisture.

They look OK to me.


Well-Known Member
Plants enjoy constant nutrition and water. Soil should never be allowed to dry out, IF, you have plenty of roots and foliage to wick off excess soil moisture.

They look OK to me.
So I should water them once a week instead of every couple weeks by the size of the plants and the foliage? Thank you ub


Well-Known Member
Do you mean feed then wait a week then water wait a week the repeat?
Not sure you understand

Monday: Feed them normally
Tuesday: Relax and smoke some good shit
Wednesday: Give those pretty bitches from clean phed distilled water
Thursday: Relax again maybe dust the bong off.
Friday: Feed them again and talk to them
Saturday:Relax and smoke some more fire shit.
Sunday: Looks like those girls could use some more fresh water.

Do you get it now? then just repeat that process every feeding for me is different since i do organics i have to read what my plants need but essentially they get fed twice a week with lots of water to fatten and flush them in between feedings. best schedule ive done.


Well-Known Member
Not sure you understand

Monday: Feed them normally
Tuesday: Relax and smoke some good shit
Wednesday: Give those pretty bitches from clean phed distilled water
Thursday: Relax again maybe dust the bong off.
Friday: Feed them again and talk to them
Saturday:Relax and smoke some more fire shit.
Sunday: Looks like those girls could use some more fresh water.

Do you get it now? then just repeat that process every feeding for me is different since i do organics i have to read what my plants need but essentially they get fed twice a week with lots of water to fatten and flush them in between feedings. best schedule ive done.
Gotcha thank you