is this overwatering?


Active Member
the edges of the new leaves are curled under. i left for a couple days and forgot to protect it from rain and when i got back it was drenched and the leaves curled. so i transplanted it here. its looking better but the leaves are still curled. will they just uncurl?



Well-Known Member
i had the same problem it rain for 3 days and than stop for 1
i saw that the soil in the pots stays wet alot longer so i put them in the ground and had no problems after that


Active Member
ok good. lol. the little plant next to the big one almost died before i transplanted. now its lookin like its barely hangin on.


Active Member
should i wait till more pop out? cause the new leaves sprouting are curled and really look sad. if i clipped all the bad ones now id have a stem and one or two leaves


Active Member
Just clip the bad ones, it won't matter if you pluck them it just makes the plant branch off and get more leaves and buds. I always pluck leaves off my plants. Just get rid of the leaves if they are dying, if not just leave it alone and let it dry out a little. Pot plants don't really like a lot of water, I only water mine like once or twice a week depending on the weather and they get pretty big, I grow outdoors too the weather in IN is perfect for them:)


Active Member
ok thanks. lol. where is IN? if you dont mind me askin. im from montana. been havin some pretty messed up weather lately


Active Member
No problem=]
Indiana is below Michigan, next to Illinois and Ohio.
The weather here is great for growing outdoors, it's always nice, hot and sunny=]
But you're on the total opposite side of the country as I am so that's probably why it's screwed up by you lol.