Is this plant a goner? Need urgent advice.


Today I changed my plants tents to a bigger tent, but during the process of transferring to another tent, I had to leave the plants without HPS light for about 2 hours. However, I did have them covered from all corners with CFLs so it was not at all dark.

Regardless, I've moved them into the new tent now but the one strain I've been having issues with since the beginning is showing some weird signs of stress very suddenly.

Is this only temporary or is this plant screwed? It's barneys farm liberty haze. I'll report back in the.morning but if anyone has seen.something like this.before?



Im so confused as to how much to feed this girl... any recommendations for a suitable PPM level for 5th week of flowering that wont burn her?


Active Member
flush or let it dry out, looks like dead tissue maybe from root rot. Part of it is dying or diseased. If you fix it, maybe you can save the rest


Hmmm it was fine despite some deficiencies until the whole move to anotheR tent... ill update in a bit to see if it was just stressed.

Plant look awesome despite leaves at the bottom having died off (not all, but i see a ton of flowers popping up), but with the new tent they all have more room to grow.

Im in a 3 gallon smart pot, you think itd be wise to put that INSIDE A 5 gallon smart pot with more soil just to add more nutes etc? I know roots can grow through the smart pot, so would it incur transplant shock if.its not really being transplanted in the traditional sense?


New Member
whats ur room temps & what feed r you using? personally ive only seen plants look like that from 1. heatstress 2. no nutes
i reallllllly cant imagine roots penetrating through smartpot fabric loll. and turning the pot upsidedown to transplant= dirt allover your buds :(
dunno ur plant size but id stick to what its in.