is this plant dying?


Well-Known Member
naw i havent been using the drops to check it PH. i got one of them meters i just stick in the water and it tells me what it is. The only time her PH has been above 6.4 is when i flushed her with nothing but plain water, so PH of 7. other than that, her PH has remained pretty constant. hmmm havent checked the water run off's PH though, maybe i'll do that. I assume she's really wet and has been wet for little while. I loosend up the dirt around her and even in the drain holes. Put fan at the base of the plant and at the base of the pot. So hopefully that will dry up some of that water there. lights should come on her in about 45 minutes. I'll post more pictures then.


Well-Known Member
Here she is as of 10 minutes ago, it does make sense that she was being overwatered because i have been posting this grow journal and the moisture meter has been reading pretty high about 8 out of 10 and i thought it was just pushing down into the roots. So i kept her on the same watering schedule. let me know what you think



Well-Known Member
They do not look that bad...I would not worry one you loose a few fans, it looks like you are pretty late in flower anyway. You have plenty of nice healthy leaves!
