is this plant health? male or female? lol


Hi guys this is my first growing and i would like to know if my plant is ok and if its a female thnx all for helping btw im growing outdoor.. im trying to get some experience b4 i grow some good stuff .


Active Member
You got a nice sprout, but it might be a bit late to grow outdoors.

As for the sex of the sprout, not going to know for several weeks yet.


im in arizona and we have a lots of sun light do u think would still to late to grow outdoor? should i start looking for lights and stuff and transfer indoor? thnx all xD


Idk the temperatures or anything in Arizona, but if it stays above the 70s all year long, you should be good for outdoors. otherwise, I'd just move it inside.


well in arizona its really hot its always above 70 like 95 almost everyday lol but thnx for the answer man i think i will keep outside xD


Active Member
I would keep it outside.

Your plant looks decent, but small. You are going to want to transplant that into a much bigger container if you want to let it flower outside. I would do a minimum of five gallon container for an outside plant, even starting this late.


Thnx for the help thatboy .. do u think i should get the 5 gallon container now? or should i wait till it grows some more?


Thatboy said the plant is lookin small should i transfer now to a bigger container or wait more? thnk u all
Usually you dont have too transfer your ladies til they they get much bigger like 3 weeks old, id read on some sites that you usually know if its time to transplant by how tall the plant is, if its double the size of the pot in height or just the same size not sure tons of websites tho that have the info


Well-Known Member
wow that plant is way to small to sex it yet.. you could transplant if you want but i def would wait till it got bigger and the rootball is more established.


Active Member
Plant just poped out, not big enough to tell yet but when they get quite a bit bigger you can tell their sex by the pistels/white hairs if its a female or pollen sacs/balls if its a male.

Might aswell grow it outdoors now and you wont need to transfer for quite a bit seeing as your pot is a pretty good size.

Keep posting pics of your progress though and please, +rep me if i helped :p