is this plant identifiable?


Active Member
My first grow, she's 29 days old. Random seeds from my friend who supposedly gets from a dispensery... He had a bunch from many diff strains. I grew three..2 were males (which I think I stressed them to being males) and this one which is female...could anyone tell the strain? IMAG0332.jpgIMAG0337.jpg


Active Member guys try to be smart....but in reality you're the post.....can you identify the guys FAIL

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member guys try to be smart....but in reality you're the post.....can you identify the guys FAIL
Actually you've FAILED by asking an impossible question to answer. What's next, how many gum balls in the gum machine?

Stupid questions get stupid answers.


Active Member
Strains have the names because of what they are and what they look like. If a strain is a certain type then all its other plants with the same strain would look the same. So its not impossible.


Active Member
drop the fuckin attitude or gtfo. you asked a near impossible question to answer even for a seasoned grower. even plants of same genetics can take crazy different turns. your plant has no give away characteristics to point to a specific strain.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Frame:7339019 said:
Strains have the names because of what they are and what they look like. If a strain is a certain type then all its other plants with the same strain would look the same. So its not impossible.
Wrong. Strains have names based on their genetic parentage. Within each strain there is a certain amount of genetic variation. These variations are called phenotypes. Some strains express more phenotypes than others, depending on the strain's genetic stability.

It would be difficult but possible to identify a certain strain, but only if smelled and/or smoked. Identification from a photo would be a crap shoot at best.

There are literally thousands of strains, and many phenotypes within each strain.


Active Member
I am new and asked a question. It is not impossible. And I didn't need a dickhead answer. If you cant help me don't waste your time in typing useless shit...


Active Member
I'm pretty sure if someone recognized it. Could even tell me if it was sativa or indica ,vise versa.


Active Member
Telling me its impossible to tell what kind of strain. Not what name brand. I don't care what the "genetic colorful name is". Just wanna know what percentage looks what. Cause lots of bottom leaves are wide but the tops are skinny... Didn't need an attitude or bullshit. Forum to help? Or to insult others because you feel you have more experience and can talk down on peoples questions.


Well-Known Member
He is more experienced than you. You need to relax and take the criticism, not get defensive <--- That'll take you a long way in this life. Sure you can look at a plant and tell if its sativa or indica, but you cant look at a plant and say "Yup, that's Nirvana Wonder Woman", or even "Looks like NYC diesel". Do you have any idea how many phenos one "type/name" of marijuana can take? Obviously not. I dont think you know anything about biology or plant physiology, and you definitively dont know anything about genetics. So before you accuse people of "dissing" you from a high horse, maybe you should learn a little humility buddy.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I am new and asked a question. It is not impossible. And I didn't need a dickhead answer. If you cant help me don't waste your time in typing useless shit...

It was neither a dickhead answer or useless shit. It was good information for you to digest and absorb. You asked a question, and you got an answer (the same answer at that, from more than one grower). Unfortunately you didn't like the answer, so instead of simply accepting reality, you decided to turn the douche vibe up a bit. In you can't handle the answer, don't ask the question. I gave you good info, so don't be a douche about it, or no one will every want to help you.


Active Member
Come guys... its probally an indica dom. sativa. Sativa = head high. Indica = couch lock. These guys are right though. I don't know how anyone could look at a plant and then give that type of info...but if I had to guess id say its a g13 pineapple express. But that's just a guess


Active Member
im going to guess some kinda skunk strain... skunk strains are like the last name smith..."IM GUESSING"...i really dont know if what i said is true