Is this plant over watered?


Active Member
I have 2 small plants that I started growing. Ive already given them too much nutrients when they first started. Now they were starting to get some good growth when one started wilting really bad. Check the pic and let me know if its over/under watered. Thank you.



Active Member
Miracle grow seed starting soil. I had a miracle grow food spike in there also but pulled it out cause the leaves looking like they were burning. I was watering almost every day, now i water every other day.


Well-Known Member
try cutting your watering times to once every 4 days or until your soil is dry,, your plant will tell you when it needs water for the first couple of times then you can stay on schedule,,, I watered mine every 5 days even when they were that big to finish and they did great.......:peace:....................................


Well-Known Member
that should be enough. maybe with your lights being close, it may be drier than that, but the norm is about 3-4 days all theway thru. i water every 3 days, but I am also running a dehumidifier 24/7 so it's a tad dry in there anyways.


Active Member
I have 2 small plants that I started growing. Ive already given them too much nutrients when they first started. Now they were starting to get some good growth when one started wilting really bad. Check the pic and let me know if its over/under watered. Thank you.
Ya dude, you're a rarity :) most people overwater. you need to water it some more. your soil looks kinda broke down or poor quality. maybe the soil doesn't have good retention properties and is draining too fast. try investing in some rockwool cubes off the net (1" and 3") somewhere; they are cheap and it is a whole lot easier for your little buddies to take root. good luck.

edit: oh and by the way don't give them any nutes until they are out of the pre-vegetative stage (seedling stage). you can kill them easy with nutes while they are young'ens . just use distilled water from the store or let some tepid tap water sit out for a day or so with no nutes.