Is this plant ready to harvest?


Well-Known Member
Is this plant ready to cut and dry? It’s about 5 days away from its recommended harvest time of 8-10 weeks and at least 80% of the hairs are brown. I only have a 30x scope for looking at the trichomes so I can’t really tell if they are milky or clear. It has had the most direct light of all my plants as it’s the shortest and fits directly under the 400w hps. I haven’t cut the fertilizer for two weeks like recommended and flushed but I have only been giving it ¼ strength 10-60-10 every 5 days or so. Should I leave it or let it go a little longer? thanks

pics coming


Well-Known Member
It's gonna taste like crap if you dont flush it. I would flush it and give it a while longer to use up the stored nutes. If you dont flush it may not burn either.