IS This Plant ready??


I am growing Blue mystic from seed. Its been flowering for 51 days now. I was going to let it go for 8 weeks but I have been reading that it can go for as long as 11 weeks. I just want to know if I can pull it at 8 weeks but I am not sure if it will be ready by then which is less than a week. DSC02945.jpgDSC02946.jpgDSC02947.jpgDSC02948.jpgDSC02949.jpgDSC02950.jpgDSC02951.jpgDSC02952.jpgDSC02953.jpgDSC02954.jpgDSC02955.jpgDSC02956.jpgDSC02957.jpg


Active Member
the only way to ell is to get a magnifying glass and see if the trichomes are turning amber, nice plants by the way.


Would there be a way to tell without a magnifying glass? I dont have one at the moment. The plant also seems like it is losing stickiness, the plant is still gaining resin heads but the stickiness has gone down over the pass week or so. This is my first medical grow so I am pretty green at this lol. Thank you for your help

Time is Now 4:20

Active Member
ambertrichs.jpgReally hard to tell without closeup pics to examine the trichomes by but if you aren't able to examine the trichs, you can get in the ballpark by harvesting when 80 percent of the pistils turn brown. From what little I can see, you are probably a minimum of 2 weeks away from harvest. So run out and get you a 30x magnifier and then you'll be able to harvest at the PEAK time and do those beauties the justice they deserve. Another suggestion would be to harvest in spurts, not all at once. For one of my White Widow plants, it took me almost a month to harvest it, because I examined each bud on each stem and plucked at just the right time. It's not uncommon for the plant to mature at different times, sometimes starting at the bottom and sometimes at the top. Geez, can you tell this motormouth is blazed on said Widow right now?