Is this ready yet ?


Well-Known Member
Oh shes gonna be perfect if you start flushing now.

Trim off those fan leaves so in the last few days while your flushing the buds can get the most light, theyll fluff up a little more. (more bud never hurt anyone : )

Let us know how it goes and keep us updated! Shes looking beautiful and healthy!



Active Member
Oh shes gonna be perfect if you start flushing now.

Trim off those fan leaves so in the last few days while your flushing the buds can get the most light, theyll fluff up a little more. (more bud never hurt anyone : )

Let us know how it goes and keep us updated! Shes looking beautiful and healthy!

DacDac im growing in a 3g pot how much water & how often should i flush,thnks


Well-Known Member
Sence your growing in soil, Ull want to flush for about 1.5 weeks.

Flushing doesint mean over water though. still be carefull about howmuch you water as overwatering at this point can hurt the bud : /

water your regular amount with pH balenced water (bottled water will work just fine, its balenced at a perfect 7.0)

So for amount just do your normal amount that you have been watering and as for how often, you should also do your regular watering schedule. (about every 3ish days for me) but at least water 3-4 time before harvest.

Also not completely flushing will not totaly screw up the grow. It doesint effect THC level, just how good the smoke taste. so if you start to see over 50% of the Trichs are amber, then go ahead and clip.

But she does look like she has about a week ish left, So id go ahead and trim those big fan leaves off(keep the smaller leaves) and start with the pure H2O on your reg. watering schedule : )

And your welcomes ask all you need to, theres no such thing as too many or stupid questions! : )



Active Member
Sence your growing in soil, Ull want to flush for about 1.5 weeks.

Flushing doesint mean over water though. still be carefull about howmuch you water as overwatering at this point can hurt the bud : /

water your regular amount with pH balenced water (bottled water will work just fine, its balenced at a perfect 7.0)

So for amount just do your normal amount that you have been watering and as for how often, you should also do your regular watering schedule. (about every 3ish days for me) but at least water 3-4 time before harvest.

Also not completely flushing will not totaly screw up the grow. It doesint effect THC level, just how good the smoke taste. so if you start to see over 50% of the Trichs are amber, then go ahead and clip.

But she does look like she has about a week ish left, So id go ahead and trim those big fan leaves off(keep the smaller leaves) and start with the pure H2O on your reg. watering schedule : )

And your welcomes ask all you need to, theres no such thing as too many or stupid questions! : )

Thnks dacdac appreciate your help & i'll keep u posted


Well-Known Member
Your Welcomes RF! : )

If you need anything else just stop by my journal or PM me, im also subbed to this thread so just let me know!

Keep me posted on pics though! I like pics : )



Well-Known Member
I would be a little more worried about choppin those leaves, I feel the buds want the nutrients from them and when I flush is when I actually notice a lot of color being used out of the fan leaves. imo:blsmoke: other then that dacdac is spot on, but then again its all a matter of what you want. I tend to want to pester my ladies too much...ive only just recently learned to refrain.


Well-Known Member
Hey dacdac,i started flushing this past weekend & i'll probably start trimming this weekend coming up, i see your from ashville were neighbors im in greensboro.

Oh cool! Hello neighbor! Your the kinda neighbors I like : )

Kool Kool, Lets see some pics of her! Hows she taking the flush?



Well-Known Member
Wooooo There beautiful!

They are looking VERY healthy!! I think youve done a great job!

As far as the bud goes it may not ever turn green, but that just means its some potent shit!!!

+Rep If I Could! Great job and keep us updated!



Active Member
Wooooo There beautiful!

They are looking VERY healthy!! I think youve done a great job!

As far as the bud goes it may not ever turn green, but that just means its some potent shit!!!

+Rep If I Could! Great job and keep us updated!

Thnks DacDac didnt no about that as far as the color is concerned, quick question if i do a grow in 5g pots will i yeild more ?