is This Revegging?

Can someone please put my thoughts to rest and tell me if she is re-vegging. I specifically left 3 or 4 buds on the bottom because i love this strain and want to get another crop from her. The 2nd picture is before i harvested but they are the same plant.



Well-Known Member
the one on the left looks like all of mine that i planted too early. they are now back in veg and growing normal leaves finally ... though its odd all of the plants I planted last are now in bud .. or at least my Sativas are.

New Grower 420

Active Member
so youve already harvested off this plant and are now starting to regrow it? will that lead to potency issues with the next crop?


Active Member
Ive done quite a few of these and ive never been able to get a potted plant to reveg properly. they all begin to grow in the similar way to the first picture but the flowers never develop into much the potency has never been an issue. but the quantity and quality/taste never comes out what i expect after the first time around
@GrandFatherApe: should i just put it into the ground then, because im looking for either the same quality and taste or better.