Is this root rot? :(


Im on going on my 6th week and I noticed all my roots are starting to turn tan. I dont know if this is still healthy being that they are flowering. Its hard to see under the HPS light but I when the timer shuts it off in a hour or so Ill take a pic with a flssh. Man Im worried :(



they dont look to healthy get some H2O2 as buds said dude asap
So how much hydrogen peroxide should rud3dog add to be safe? I got one of those 35 gallon DWCs too. I am just curious because I think I may have the same thing and want to catch it in it's early stage if possible.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
So how much hydrogen peroxide should rud3dog add to be safe? I got one of those 35 gallon DWCs too. I am just curious because I think I may have the same thing and want to catch it in it's early stage if possible.
Hello ilikerolls....I just went thru all this.....I used 20ml per gal of 29%.......then cleaned everything the best I could...added bennys and nutes....and 1 week later the plants are doing great...lots of new root growth and plant far so good...

I was in the early stages of root slime but I had dark brown roots....I noticed the roots stopped growing....anyway I was able to save my crop...


Active Member
depends how strong the H2O2
3% 17ml per gallon
15% 9ml per gallon
25% - 40% 5ml - 7ml per gallon
i would not recommend anything over 40%

all measurements are in in Imperial


Active Member
I called my local store and he had me gently feel the roots for a slimey feel but there none yet. Besides the color the roots feel the same. I went to cvs and bought 596 ML of 3%hydrogen peroxide. Sofar I addded 325ML I cant lose this crop
Best luck to ya man.


As you can see all my plants are doing ok except for this wiltered one in the pic. Should I chuck this one out now? Is it contaminating the rest of the plants?P1000658.jpgIMG_1636.jpgP1000657.jpg


Well-Known Member
Roots turning a little off white is a natural part of plant ageing. The roots will start to look tan as the plants advance in age towards flowering.

Some nutrients stain the roots brown while others don't, so I don't really see how anyone can just say tan roots equals something is wrong.