is this setup ok?

jerusalem grass

Active Member
i've got a 5 day old sprout growing under a 65w indescent light about an inch above plant. fan circulating room and watering twice daily. plant seems healthybut is it stretching? and will i need to change my lighting later on? :-?



Active Member
The lamp is the wrong type at least ues a Energy saving 1 . ircandecents give they give out a lot of heat so dont burn your baby but switch to a better lamp CFL is the future good spectrup no heat .


Well-Known Member
incandescents aren't for growing, you can use daylight cfl's for vegging and soft white for flowering. Read the grow faq, top right.

jerusalem grass

Active Member
those plants are only 5 weeks old
and i dont have a place for them to get more sunlight

and i switched the lights to a cfl light
i found some "soft white" floodlights in my garage
would those be good to use for flowering?


Active Member
Plus tin foil absorbs light - not reflect it. ALSO after the initial planting or when it sprouts I would soak the soil until it drops out the bottom and then leave it. I wouldn't water it everyday because you want your plant to develop a good root system and if they ahve to look for water it will be better. Just monitor it so as it doesn't look like its drying or weltering. ya know.


Active Member
those plants are only 5 weeks old
and i dont have a place for them to get more sunlight

and i switched the lights to a cfl light
i found some "soft white" floodlights in my garage
would those be good to use for flowering?
ON the color spectrum I believe 5600 is flowering spectrum. But google it.

jerusalem grass

Active Member
now my sprout is almost 2 weeks about and i've been using two 100 watt cfl's on it in my growbox
its growing pretty quick
its not that tall but leaves are coming out of every part of the plant.
also the lights are drying the leaves out a little but i spray them with mist

jerusalem grass

Active Member
yeah but my outdoor plants will probably bud in summer
when is the best time to start growing outside in south florida?
and i wanna invest in a 400w metal halide light like 5000-6000k for vegging
but will a light that powerful work in a regular house lamp?


Active Member
u can try but it might explode and u would hae wated ur money on expensive lights , and ganja plants dont bud in summer they bud in winter so your are probably gunna be growing all year unless u waanna buy a fan and shorten the hours of light to abount 14-16 a day 20 for summer