is this sexy female a hermaphordite???

yah they aint balls though... the are actually more like a bundle of french fries if u ask me. and they are only located at that one spot. are you 100% sure? should i jus take it out of my garden before its too late??


Well-Known Member
they havent been in flower for that long, i would give a week or so then if they develop into full blown ball sacs then i would remove. you do have some nice looking budz on it.. you can still smoke them. or isolate the plant so it dont polinate ur other girls.. thats what i would do.. french fries that is a good way to put that..LOL...


Well-Known Member
just cut them off if you decide that they are balls and scrape the skin pretty good with a blade where they are, i did this to my plant that had a couple of single balls and they never grew back, like your plant they only had balls in one area. but check daily for others to come out in different place.


Well-Known Member
Same as above cut them off and scrape the area. Even if it does herm on you dont be so quick to trash it! I have had a few herm's in the past that still smoked pretty damn good! Just depends on the severity it herms really. Just make sure you get it away from your other girls if it does.


Well-Known Member
The male flower should open up and look kind of white. It is suspect, but I am not positive thats a hermie. Or if anything that would ever produce pollen capable of making a seed. I would watch it and wait. might be ok on this one. kepp us posted!
bigbudjohn: i would definately think for sure hermi if this bundle of bananas was hanging downwards, but they are growing upwards (like french fries coming out)
igrowdro: thats a great idea if it works but i think i would rather jus cull the tranny for peace of mind!!!

lol i've been having nightmares for the past 3 nights about balls growing here and seeds popping out there its fucking insane