Is this soil okay or bad..?


Well-Known Member
Looks like an awsome mix of perlite. Soft and looks beautiful. I just potted one plant in it to see if it will be harmful to it or not but what im concerned with is the "3 months natural feeding" is this bad? The soil was like $2 or $3 so its rather cheap and almost fills a 5gallon bucket. 2 bags fills a 5gallon bucket pretty full... 16/20 of a 5gal.. not to bad right? And if its okay to use this would it be okay to just plant seedlings in a gallon bucket full of this and let it grow (start to finish) ?

[Edit] : Its a bit blurry but the npk on it is 0.06-0.09-0.06 (not much at all?)



Well-Known Member
If you check my grow journal you will see how good my plant is looking at 2wk.. i also have a plant at 2 wks with its first set of 7 leaves.. on the 3rd node none the less.. o_O


Well-Known Member
I used the pre fed (3 months) like you used. It was expert gardner but It was in a pink bag and it burned my seedlings so I switch to plain soil and perlite and added my own ferts.....Give it a try and see if you like it....Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Well I hope it doesnt burn them.. because if it does then this will kill my best plant.. by how long should I notice the burns if they do cause them?


Well-Known Member
I really don't remember how long it took to see the burns but when it got worse and flushing didn't help I just broke the soil up from the root mass and put the plant in the soil and perlite mix. I broke so many roots and the plants looked horrible for about 3-5 days (they were laying down and they looked really really bad) but they bounced back and now they look great.


Well-Known Member
IM not sure about the burning but is it possible I wont get any? because I dont see why I would (besides the nuts it says it has).. and if thats a problem any other sugegstion for soil from Lowes, Homedepot, or Walmart? thats cheap and lots of it.. or actually im trying to get 80quarts (20 gallons) of soil for like $20-$40 ish.. For right now quality is not an issue and what I REALLY would like is to use a 5gallon bucket and just plant seedlings in that and no transplanting at all.. or is that bad pratice? ive never seen the need for transplanting becasue I always thought why not use a bigger container in the first place unless its to save space which if I cant grow plants big in that space why am I growign so many? lol


Well-Known Member
Just use the soil you have right now and it might not burn. If you are worried that much then get plain potting soil and perlite from wal mart. Both are really really cheap. But the plain soil is like dirt with hardly no perlite mixed in so I mixed ALOT of perlite in. 50/50 soil perlite...

I transplant my plants and most people do. When you start in a bigger pot/bucket it's easier to overwater and I hear that the plants grow slower when you start them in a bigger pot.

Anyways good luck on your grow.


Well-Known Member
Well thats interesting.. Will remember that.. thanks
ill try this soil if it works then thats what ill use.. thanks again