Is this some sort of burn?


Well-Known Member
Huh weird, i gave that plant nutes for the first time a few days ago , I gave it veg nutes @ 50% strength.


Well-Known Member
Yeah true. This is my 3rd time running this same cut and I can’t keep it green. Goes extremely yellow at like 5-6 weeks of flower. So I thought I’d give it a little nitrogen to get through the stretch.


Well-Known Member
I’m like 99% I didn’t spill anything on the leaves. Anyone know what this could be ? Literally happened over night.
Anything change overnight? Looks like burning from contact with nutes then scorched by light as its located in different areas of the leaves, if it was overfeeding you would see it on the newest growth first. What are you using for light and how far away?


Well-Known Member
Blurple about 8-10 inches away. Yeah one thing did change, it went from cfls in veg to led in the flower cabinet.


Well-Known Member
It’s in MG organic potting soil. I still have some fungus gnats but they’re not too bad.


Well-Known Member
You look a little over watered and short on Mg. To answer the question that you're 99% sure you didn't do (spill nutrient on them), snip off the discolored leaves and see if more appear. That will tell you what to do next. And the change from cfls to an led most likely took the plants by surprise, so be patient with them.