Is this the infamous nitrogen claw?


The plant with "the claw" is 3.5 weeks into flowering. Some of the small leaves near the buds(like picture #1) perked up perfectly after feeding today but the big ones(picture#2) still look like the picture. Also my LST plant is getting some funny brown spots and yellowing on fan leaves both old and new but only fan leaves. Is pic#3 light stress? THX for any help. Oh yeah how did i go from a "stranger" to "learning how to roll" is that just a progression thing?



Active Member
Could be heat stress. My plants did the curl under when temps hit 100+ outside. Do the sides of those leave curl up?

And your title changed cause you did 25 posts. Your title changes every so many posts.


Active Member
yup the claws from a lil too much N. pic 3 looks like heat stress. not sure bout the fan leaves, im having that same problem :(


Active Member
You might wanna also check your pH. Kinda looks like a cal/mag prob also. But knowing what your pH is would def weed out a few options.


The the oldest got botanicare cal-mag 3rd week of veg and then again today. The one with the spots and yellowing just got fed it's first heavy strength bloom feed two days ago. It has only had cal mag once 3rd week if veg also. Would it be ok to give it a little with plain water tomorrow or should I wait till I do a full feed the next time? Ph is always in between 6.8-7 and out about 5.5. Using full fox farm line nutes and ocean forest soil. With the last 2ish weeks starting sun. and a mh coming Friday I wanna figure this out.


Well-Known Member
looks like nute burn more than heat stress. I us cal-mag almost every watering but i have r/o water. at this point i would back off everything and give them just water and 2 millilters cal-mag per gallon, thats about 1/2 strength.something i do when i have problems is to move the ph around, a couple days at 6.0, a couple at 6.8. plants use different things at diff ph's.Also try to keep them between 74f and 78f for a while. good luck


Well this morning all the little leaves on the buds have straightened out perfectly there may only be one or two claws left. Not only that but i have a noticeable trich difference and smaller bud development. Yesterday I fed with full strength Tiger bloom, .5 strength beastie bloom and 3 ml of cal mag. I am going to feed the one with spots the cal mag today. What do y'all know about molasses with these creatures. I have quite a bit.


Hey snappy, Im not sure thats the case. I check all my water. I use GH up and down. Water doesnt go into my plants at anything less than 6.5 or anything more than 7 it always come out about 5. Ive been told that the actual ph of the soil doesnt matter near as much as the water going in, but I do think the FFOF soil as a product in general needs something to bring up the ph just a bit. Also the water is either bottled water or rain water I never use tap water anymore and haven't since like week two of veg.


Well-Known Member
....NO. If your PH runoff is at 5 then your PH is not right...You do have clawing from to much nitrogen, that in conjunction with a ph imbalance....I'd flush with water at 6.5 untill your runoff gets to at least 6.3...if you don't want to flush with just plain water add a mild organic nute to help recooperate the plant.


Dont i need to actually amend the soil if I want a higher ph? Thats how you would do it for a lawn or normal garden. I'm new to this so if water is the way to do then should i wait for my next watering or do I flush now, and how mild of a nute formula. I guess realistically these are too far along for me to take out of their pots and mess with the soil and then have them be ready in a few weeks. For future reference should I fix the soil with lime before planting or just use water and flush the hell out of it?


Well-Known Member
...Lime is generally only used in outdoor in ground plants...I assume you are in pots as you are able to check the PH runoff. ...I'm not a soil expert but my logic would say yes, wait untill your soil is relatively dry for how mild ..are you able to check your PPM runoff as well? ..What nutrients are you using? Are you using a liquid nutrient?


Active Member
If you need to flush, flush right away. If you wait for your soil to dry your just allowing the plant more time to kill itself. Some say flush with 1 gal of water per gal of soil, some say 3x water to size of your pot. But if your gonna flush, do it now otherwise things could get worse.


Active Member
could be a low ph deal... i use ocean forest too and some of the fan leaves are doing what yours are. i never check ph tho lol. shes happy


Mongo-I dont have a ppm yes i am in pots(5 gal) im using Fox farm line and botanicare cal mag. The fox farm tiger bloom is liquid


Well-Known Member
to fix your soil you wont need nutes. just make up some 6.8 water and start flushing till the run off hits your number. I would stop at 6.5 ish.It will stay wet for a while then you can go back to nutes if you takes a while and is messy as hell but you can fix the dirt ph with probably less than 6 or 7 gallons of water.


15 gallons later I have an absolute of 0 change in my PH.........Have you guys even tried this or was it just advice that you heard somewhere? Now that Im thinking about it flushing to change ph seems like a dumb idea. The reason the soil is acidic is because of the organic material fox farm uses. if you flush water through it it still has all the guano and earthworm casting that make up such a good soil but with a low ph. Thanks anyway i hope flushing cant fuck a plant up. I wont be flushing the other two until harvest.


I have used the flush method to bring my run off ph up. Worked perfect for me. After about a day or 2 i seen great inprovements


Well then lets talk because this was a waste of time and money for me. What soil were you using and how did you do the flush. I just took neutral water 7.0 and flushed it through. I dumped in a gallon at a time into my pot that is a three gallon. As soon as there was no water on top i dumped in another gallon. I did this for just under 15 gallons. I had literally no change in ph. Thats 5 times the water as there is soil and so much soil got flushed out of the pots that i have to add soil now. Which brings me back to square fucking one with the fresh acidic soil. Also learned that fox farm advertises a soil of 6.5-6.8 out of the bag but thats not what my last two bags have been. With 8.5+ water the run off was still 6.0.