is this the middle ages?

You're worried about snails and love Trump

Snails are cute. I just don't give a fuck about Trump. But it's hilarious how butthurt he makes you. So there's that going for him. He consumes your thoughts, therefore he wins.

They're called colloquial phrases and expressions. It's the reason becoming fluent in a language is so hard. Especially when you get into dialects which deviate from the proper language standard. Get educatedTM!

Like the term "woke." It's official definition definition is a variant of awoke, as in not asleep. While the in the Ebonics definition is, "A word that greatly offends and triggers those who are butthurt because racial minorities are recognizing the subtle ways in which they are discriminated against in "post-racial" western society."

Stay woke, bruhda!

Damn, I'd enjoy kicking your ass
Mohammed is dead.

Rob Roy says it's OK to fuck a child if the child a agrees.

Sociopaths like you and Roy are inveterate liars so only a fool would expect either of you to give a truthful answer.

The problem is since you can't mount a very good argument, you rely on innuendo and personal attacks, rather than a frank discussion and exchange of ideas. That's pretty good evidence of your emotional immaturity.

I think it's none of my business to intervene in what other peaceful people, who are capable of consenting, do. To be able to attack that statement, means you should offer a definition of what consent is and isn't, as well as who can provide it and who can't. You seem reluctant to do that, I imagine because doing so would expose the contradictions in your fairy tale political beliefs.

Also just because I believe people have the right of self determination, that shouldn't be misconstrued as my personal endorsement or approval of everything some self determining people do. It would be sociopathic though for me to believe that I have rights that others don't, which is a cornerstone of your belief system. Irony.

When you misuse the term "sociopath", I wonder if it's just you projecting. To be honest though, I also wonder if it might be because you aren't happy with the size of your genitalia, and it comes out in angry ways.
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The problem is since you can't mount a very good argument, you rely on innuendo and personal attacks, rather than a frank discussion and exchange of ideas. That's pretty good evidence of your emotional immaturity.

I think it's none of my business to intervene in what other peaceful people, who are capable of consenting, do. To be able to attack that statement, means you should offer a definition of what consent is and isn't, as well as who can provide it and who can't. You seem reluctant to do that, I imagine because doing so would expose the contradictions in your fairy tale political beliefs.

Also just because I believe people have the right of self determination, that shouldn't be misconstrued as my personal endorsement or approval of everything some self determining people do. It would be sociopathic though for me to believe that I have rights that others don't, which is a cornerstone of your belief system.

When you misuse the term "sociopath", I wonder if it's just you projecting. To be honest though, I also wonder if it might be because you aren't happy with the size of your genitalia, and it comes out in angry ways.

why are you defending a pedophile by deflecting attention to Islam when it is Rob Roy who is the clear and present danger?

How does wanting peaceful people to have liberty and control over their own lives present a danger to anyone but people who oppose those concepts?

(still winning)
I'm only repeating what my arab friend showed me by actually reading what's in their hadis. Muhammad said women aren't allowed into heaven and can at best go to the best part of hell because women need to eat and keep up their strength so they can feed their huband after the Ramadan fast. Since women must break the fast they aren't worthy of heaven. Yeah Islam is an awesome women's rights religion!
Again I ask, what is a hadis?
A few assumptions I'm working from...

People should be free to run their own lives, but not the lives of others.

Voluntary and consensual human interactions are better than interactions where one or both parties would prefer not to interact.

You can't use a coercion based system to bring about human equality and peace. Involuntary governments are coercion based systems. Nearly any government you can name is a coercion based system.

Which of these assumptions is specious?

you just need a spot off the grid like in alaska..can't you still homestead up there? mule and 7 acres something, something.

you never answered my question on your native heritage and tax free status..aren't pacific islanders included?

please tell me you didn't trust the white man and his voting system..
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you just need a spot off the grid like in alaska..can't you still homestead up there? mule and 7 acres something, something.

you never answered my question on your native heritage and tax free status..aren't pacific islanders included?

please tell me you didn't trust the white man and his voting system..

Maybe you should have your gullibility index checked.

That guy is not what he misrepresents himself to be. Unless he came forward in time from 1820, in which case he should be seized and debriefed in the interest of science and history. A book and documentary deal could be included.
Maybe you should have your gullibility index checked.

That guy is not what he misrepresents himself to be. Unless he came forward in time from 1820, in which case he should be seized and debriefed in the interest of science and history. A book and documentary deal could be included.

I'll try to remember to wear clean underwear in case I'm debriefed.
you just need a spot off the grid like in alaska..can't you still homestead up there? mule and 7 acres something, something.

you never answered my question on your native heritage and tax free status..aren't pacific islanders included?

please tell me you didn't trust the white man and his voting system..

I just need to respect other people's right to self determine which I try hard to do.
As if. In my long interactions with those like you on the internet, the ones who threaten online couldn't even kick the ass of a small dog, to compensate for other small inadequacies they're ashamed of.
Just the same as racist that need about 25 others to march and feel bad ass.
Racism stems from jealousy. Jealousy is a weak emotion. Why do you insist on being weak.
Just the same as racist that need about 25 others to march and feel bad ass.
Racism stems from jealousy. Jealousy is a weak emotion. Why do you insist on being weak.

I always theorized it stemmed from environmental ignorance.

But I can see the jealousy aspect, maybe more so since around 1964 & 1965 when the south (and northern housing discrimination) were beginning to be legally corrected.

Do you ever wonder where Buddha Boi's people stood on civil rights in the mid '60's? I'm thinking on the wrong side of history. I'd bet on it.