Amare Shill
Nothing.What do you add to the promix?
it was killing my seedlings
Especially for seedlings. Comes with 2 wks worth of food in it.
Then once roots are well established starting with a low ec/ppm of around 400-600. I usually use the same CloneX as i would use in the Sleazy-Cloner. For a week, then regular nutes for wk 3 n up.
Im not to sure what the BX is yet. Guys at the local grow shop are misleading customers into believing it is the BioFungicide HP mix (doubt on purpose, they just don't care). But it is Not.
Just used the Biofungicide HP w/ the regular HP, 50/50 & OMG!!! The shot works!
Was having a problem with Fungus Gnats & Springtails for a the past x4 grows in plastic containers. Letting them dry more then comfortable with all the time & more then enough roots. Fans, ect... you name it, T-Drops were used too n that would help.
This last run i switched to Smart Potts (fabric) as well as Pro-Mix Biofungicide HP mixed 1:1 with regular HP. Watered almost twice as much & had NO Bugs at all. Coukd not even believe it. At wk 6 i put out a flat laying yellow sticky by each pott. NOTHING, Caught Absolutely Nothing...
Spent time on the phone with Pro-Mix as well as Tribus to make sure the Bacillus in the Biofungicide would get along with any Bacillus strains i might want to add, like Tribus. Response was they all get along. All good! And it was.
So, just wanted to lyk the Biofungicide is the shit if you have any bugs.
Roots looked good at transplant.

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