Is this the right Pro mix?

What do you add to the promix?

it was killing my seedlings
Especially for seedlings. Comes with 2 wks worth of food in it.
Then once roots are well established starting with a low ec/ppm of around 400-600. I usually use the same CloneX as i would use in the Sleazy-Cloner. For a week, then regular nutes for wk 3 n up.
Im not to sure what the BX is yet. Guys at the local grow shop are misleading customers into believing it is the BioFungicide HP mix (doubt on purpose, they just don't care). But it is Not.
Just used the Biofungicide HP w/ the regular HP, 50/50 & OMG!!! The shot works!
Was having a problem with Fungus Gnats & Springtails for a the past x4 grows in plastic containers. Letting them dry more then comfortable with all the time & more then enough roots. Fans, ect... you name it, T-Drops were used too n that would help.
This last run i switched to Smart Potts (fabric) as well as Pro-Mix Biofungicide HP mixed 1:1 with regular HP. Watered almost twice as much & had NO Bugs at all. Coukd not even believe it. At wk 6 i put out a flat laying yellow sticky by each pott. NOTHING, Caught Absolutely Nothing...
Spent time on the phone with Pro-Mix as well as Tribus to make sure the Bacillus in the Biofungicide would get along with any Bacillus strains i might want to add, like Tribus. Response was they all get along. All good! And it was.
So, just wanted to lyk the Biofungicide is the shit if you have any bugs.
Roots looked good at transplant.
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I'm getting promix hp tomorrow first time growing and rookie me put my seedlings in the regular yellow bag miracle-gro they been in miracle-gro for 5 days now but now have researched more and found out miracle-gro is the worse to use people have told me and I've read it alot to some people say they love it but very few Canadian tire is getting promix hp in tomorrow so I'm going to switch out the miracle-gro for the promix hp
Especially for seedlings. Comes with 2 wks worth of food in it.
Then once roots are well established starting with a low ec/ppm of around 400-600. I usually use the same CloneX as i would use in the Sleazy-Cloner. For a week, then regular nutes for wk 3 n up.
Im not to sure what the BX is yet. Guys at the local grow shop are misleading customers into believing it is the BioFungicide HP mix (doubt on purpose, they just don't care). But it is Not.
Just used the Biofungicide HP w/ the regular HP, 50/50 & OMG!!! The shot works!
Was having a problem with Fungus Gnats & Springtails for a the past x4 grows in plastic containers. Letting them dry more then comfortable with all the time & more then enough roots. Fans, ect... you name it, T-Drops were used too n that would help.
This last run i switched to Smart Potts (fabric) as well as Pro-Mix Biofungicide HP mixed 1:1 with regular HP. Watered almost twice as much & had NO Bugs at all. Coukd not even believe it. At wk 6 i put out a flat laying yellow sticky by each pott. NOTHING, Caught Absolutely Nothing...
Spent time on the phone with Pro-Mix as well as Tribus to make sure the Bacillus in the Biofungicide would get along with any Bacillus strains i might want to add, like Tribus. Response was they all get along. All good! And it was.
So, just wanted to lyk the Biofungicide is the shit if you have any bugs.
Roots looked good at transplant.
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thats crazy how long did u have them in there? and what nutes and amendments do you use
thats crazy how long did u have them in there? and what nutes and amendments do you use
Those pics? Just Jacks 321 at that exact strength. 3g, - 1g , - 2g / gall.
Those were vegged for 1 month in the 3 gall.plastic potts after being in a 6" potts for a month.
Used Tribus here but am probably discontinuing it.
Those pics? Just Jacks 321 at that exact strength. 3g, - 1g , - 2g / gall.
Those were vegged for 1 month in the 3 gall.plastic potts after being in a 6" potts for a month.
Used Tribus here but am probably discontinuing it.
Where you get Jack's 321? I'm getting promix hp today first 5 days been using yellow bag miracle-gro then heard how bad it is so I'm switching asap
Where you get Jack's 321? I'm getting promix hp today first 5 days been using yellow bag miracle-gro then heard how bad it is so I'm switching asap
Its available at my local grow store but i bought it online to get fresh bags. Thing with that was x2 , 25# bags cost $120 total (saving me a few thousand) but then i got whacked a $60 delivery fee.
Still worth it all day. So easy.
.03 cent/gall. To Feed. Can't go wrong.
Get a bag of each Pro-Mix Biofungicide HP + A bag of regular HP. Grab a bag of perlite to increase drainage a C-Hair n you're good to go.
Its available at my local grow store but i bought it online to get fresh bags. Thing with that was x2 , 25# bags cost $120 total (saving me a few thousand) but then i got whacked a $60 delivery fee.
Still worth it all day. So easy.
.03 cent/gall. To Feed. Can't go wrong.
Get a bag of each Pro-Mix Biofungicide HP + A bag of regular HP. Grab a bag of perlite to increase drainage a C-Hair n you're good to go.
This is what I'm getting today I can't find pro mix biofungicide hp anywhere will it be fine in promix hp m?


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Might also look into
Hydro Farms
Chem Gro
Hydro-Gardens | Serving the Greenhouse industry since 1968

Base formula is 4-20-39
15.5-0-0... Calcium Nitrate
Epsom Salts.. Buy Locally. Save Shipping
Monopotassium Phosphate. 0-52-34.. Only used in flowering.. In an 8 weeks flowering strain would give extra from weeks 2.5-4.
when should I start putting nutes in they've been in yellow bag miracle-gro potting soil for 6 days today im getting promix hp so switching soils when get that today do I put the base formula and calcium nitrate and Epsom salts in at the same time or different days
I give mine a small amount of food as soon as they pop through the surface. 10%-15% of recommended dose, and feed every watering. Slowly increase over time. They measure by per gallon on their web page, and I use 5g at a reduced amount vs full strength but more frequent feedings. I like to use the least amount of fert to keep them healthy, but you cant skimp either.

You mix the 4-20-39 base formula
Add 15.5-0-0 next
Epsom Salts after that.

MPK would be used last in flowering stage only

Mixing Instructions per 1 gallon of water
(For full strength working solution)

4-20-39 Recipe – For a great baseline would be 2 grams per gallon of 4-20-39, 2 grams per gallon of CaNO3 and 2/3 that amount of MgSO4 (1 1/3 gram per gallon). We suggest you try to keep your pH right around 6.2 for the duration but some fluctuations are not uncommon. During middle weeks of flower, you can add 1/3 the amount of MKP for extra K (potassium). Certain strains can tolerate a higher EC than others and you are welcome to push those strains if you like but we feel the base mixture will do a great job.

Designed for Hemp/Cannabis growing hydroponically

How To Mix Chem-Gro Fertilizers

1) Determine the volume of the holding tank (100, 500, 1,000 gallons, etc.) 1 cubic foot is 7.48 gallons.
2) Clean out the residue in the holding tank.
3) Fill the holding tank with water.
4) Use a submersible pump or other device and begin stirring the water.
5) Weigh out the correct amount of Chem-GroTM fertilizer, Calcium Nitrate, and Magnesium Sulfate for each 100 gallons of water according to the instructions on the page of the fertilizer you are using for the crop you are growing.
6) Slowly add the Chem-GroTM powder to the holding tank.
7) Slowly add the Calcium Nitrate to the holding tank.
8) Slowly add the Magnesium Sulfate to the holding tank.
9) Allow the stirring device to run another 1/2 hour and turn it off.
10) Check the pH and conductivity of the nutrient solution and adjust accordingly. Make a note of the adjustments made so you can duplicate the amounts.
11) Because of the complexity of fertilizer components needed to make Chem-GroTM a complete nutrient, you may get some sediment each time you make nutrient. Source water composition and quality can also increase the amount of sediment. This sediment is not “lost” fertilizer, and it is not necessary to continuously stir the nutrient solution in the holding tank. That which has not dissolved will probably not dissolve. You should stir the tank for a few minutes each day to prevent fertilizer stratification. Then simply repeat step 2 as often as necessary to keep the holding tank relatively clean
Thirds, I have used HP and #4 with good results. Stay away from cheap soils indoors. I wouldnt put coir in either myself. Or soil with anything in it. I just do half and half perlite and a good promix like hp bx. Use chemicals or salts to feed. I have prepared my indoor and outdoor stuff this way. I use the wetting agent in the feed or prior to with water. Organic super soil is pretty cool too but we are too late for that party. Happy growing!
Thirds, I have used HP and #4 with good results. Stay away from cheap soils indoors. I wouldnt put coir in either myself. Or soil with anything in it. I just do half and half perlite and a good promix like hp bx. Use chemicals or salts to feed. I have prepared my indoor and outdoor stuff this way. I use the wetting agent in the feed or prior to with water. Organic super soil is pretty cool too but we are too late for that party. Happy growing!
do i add anything with the sunshine #4 when i replant my seedlings out of the yellow bag miracle gro potting soil or do i just use sunshine #4, plant seedlings and then water?
I also got 2 5 gallon pots and the fora series grow micro bloom how much water for each plant and flora grow and micro should I add ?
So I have a plan with the promix let me know if this is good :
(My tap water is >8.4 so My options as far as organics go is to either put sulfur or epsom salt in my soil, citric acid in my water, or see my rain water ph)

Promix walmart pack(90%peat, lime,perlite, mycorrizhae,wetting agent, and no nutes)
Liquid Kelp
liquid Fish fert 4-1-1
Epsom salt
Citric acid
All purpose 6-4-6 dry organic fert(kelp,fish,alfalfa,bone/blood etc) for veg
dry Tomato fert 2-5-3 (with mycorrizhae) for flower
(can i use aged composted cow manure indoors?)


Seedling(solo cup)
- 75%promix 25%perlite
(feed kelp&molasses)

Veg(1 or 2 gal)
-then 50% promix 25% perlite 25% casting
with 50/50 veg & flower dry nutes
(feed kelp& molasses+tea)

-50%promix 25%perlite 25%casting
25/75% veg and flower nutes
(kelp molasses&tea)
Especially for seedlings. Comes with 2 wks worth of food in it.
Then once roots are well established starting with a low ec/ppm of around 400-600. I usually use the same CloneX as i would use in the Sleazy-Cloner. For a week, then regular nutes for wk 3 n up.
Im not to sure what the BX is yet. Guys at the local grow shop are misleading customers into believing it is the BioFungicide HP mix (doubt on purpose, they just don't care). But it is Not.
Just used the Biofungicide HP w/ the regular HP, 50/50 & OMG!!! The shot works!
Was having a problem with Fungus Gnats & Springtails for a the past x4 grows in plastic containers. Letting them dry more then comfortable with all the time & more then enough roots. Fans, ect... you name it, T-Drops were used too n that would help.
This last run i switched to Smart Potts (fabric) as well as Pro-Mix Biofungicide HP mixed 1:1 with regular HP. Watered almost twice as much & had NO Bugs at all. Coukd not even believe it. At wk 6 i put out a flat laying yellow sticky by each pott. NOTHING, Caught Absolutely Nothing...
Spent time on the phone with Pro-Mix as well as Tribus to make sure the Bacillus in the Biofungicide would get along with any Bacillus strains i might want to add, like Tribus. Response was they all get along. All good! And it was.
So, just wanted to lyk the Biofungicide is the shit if you have any bugs.
Roots looked good at transplant.
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those roots are insane!
Did you end up using Pro Mix Moisture?
I have some, and I think it looks like a good medium. (but I am a complete noob)
How did it go for you? (sorry for the old thread post :|)

Pro-mix HP ingredients. the only difference is no coir. Promix moisture has less than 10% coir if I recall correctly
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OK. so HP has more perlite.
So maybe if you mix Promix moisture 90% to perlite or vermiculite 10%...
I heard Vermiculite is a better but more expensive soil lightener because it provides silica (source -Dr Bruce Bugbee)