Is this the start of PM


Well-Known Member
So I know that usually the exhaust is up too and the intake down low, but it was suggested me to reverse it due to heating issues in the winter where I am, it’s not as much of a thing now cause the season is changing, but it’s still in the 30s at night so it was helping keep my temps up, no smell or at least not that needs to be filtered yet, this plant was intended to be my mother plant…that’s kinda sketchy now.

I do have good negative pressure in the tent, 2 oscillating clip fans and the fan on my evaporative humidifier as well so the air is circulating, the leaves have stayed dancing this whole last month, so I know it wasn’t an airflow issue.

the tent is a 4x4 and I have 2 hygrometers one just Below the plant level and one at the canopy.
Air exchange is good to keep the RH down too.


Well-Known Member
So I know that usually the exhaust is up too and the intake down low, but it was suggested me to reverse it due to heating issues in the winter where I am, it’s not as much of a thing now cause the season is changing, but it’s still in the 30s at night so it was helping keep my temps up, no smell or at least not that needs to be filtered yet, this plant was intended to be my mother plant…that’s kinda sketchy now.

I do have good negative pressure in the tent, 2 oscillating clip fans and the fan on my evaporative humidifier as well so the air is circulating, the leaves have stayed dancing this whole last month, so I know it wasn’t an airflow issue.

the tent is a 4x4 and I have 2 hygrometers one just Below the plant level and one at the canopy.
In that case it does make sense, and if it works for you to keep the optimal conditions then i'd say you did a good job. I apologize for trying to teach you something you already knew, i thought maybe you mixed up the ventilation system, i've seen people mix it up before so it's not uncommon :D

I was going to suggest you to use reptile heaters or portable AC unit and utilize the standard way of ventilation, but you say it's 30F during night in April, holy shit.. Then your best bet would be to keep doing what you do and use Neem oil as prevention, or citric acid as others mentioned. Maybe UVB light can help prevent mold, although that's debatable. Good luck, hopefully you sort it out!


Well-Known Member
In that case it does make sense, and if it works for you to keep the optimal conditions then i'd say you did a good job. I apologize for trying to teach you something you already knew, i thought maybe you mixed up the ventilation system, i've seen people mix it up before so it's not uncommon :D

I was going to suggest you to use reptile heaters or portable AC unit and utilize the standard way of ventilation, but you say it's 30F during night in April, holy shit.. Then your best bet would be to keep doing what you do and use Neem oil as prevention, or citric acid as others mentioned. Maybe UVB light can help prevent mold, although that's debatable. Good luck, hopefully you sort it out!
No thank you, because I am crashing through this first grow like a bull in a china shop and 9/10 times the education is needed lol. But I feel like I’m making the mistakes now so that later I’ll be one of those guys that’s just like “yep…you overwatered”, or “looks like ya got some powdery mildew there friend…try lowering your RH” etc. plus the forum has helped me dodge more mishaps than I’ve ran into just by seeing others post in desperation that they are losing their crop mid flower, and I’m just like “…wait a minute, that was exactly what I planned on doing ”