is this weed?


Active Member
Hey guys, Yes I am new and I had this little seedling sprout in my grow box in an empty pot i just left in there, the leaves look a little funny not like my first plant, and i dont remember planting it... so just wondering if this is a weed seedling... sorry the pics might a little shitty but thats an itouch camera for you. Thanks Guys

oh i should add, i seen a tiny sprout and this is the result 3 days later.



Well-Known Member
That's a Triffid! Doesn't look like a weed though, grow it out a bit, can't hurt.


Well-Known Member
I used to work for RGIS inventorying Home Depot stores.
When I counted "Outside Garden" the birds were always up in the overheads.
ripping holes in the bags and just hanging out.

they drop seeds they collect(from the bird seed bags on the other side of the department) into the tops of the pallets of soils to save for another time.
and it just happens to slip into the bags air slots sometimes.
this can happen in a storage facility, warehouse, just about anywhere.

I've even had sprouts of random wildflower in a bag of CocoGro.


Well-Known Member
I've had the same thing. yes it is weed. no its not marijuana. I've had them from scotts garden mix, and miracle grow as well, it just happens, tear it out so it doesn't suck up nutes from your mj


Well-Known Member
Maybe show the class your plant in pic 3 next to said unknown? share please cause that is def a cannbis leaf I see in pic 3, Is she purrrty?