is this weed


Active Member
is this weed, it smells and looks it when i rub the stems it leaves a yellow resin on my fingers.

Edit: if its wild weed can it still be smoked


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Well-Known Member
Its not weed. I have seen that stuff before I think. Watch it and see if it gets buds I guess tho


Active Member
fuck i thought i had something, its hard to find seeds where i live and buying from internet isnt an option :(


Active Member
im no expert, but i dont think its pot. the way the stems look, they look to close to the ground and spread out too much. kinda bushy lol i could see what you mean by the leaf structure though...your location says your in boston too? im right down the street from you haha ive never seen wild growing pot in new england before lol maybe ive just been blind lol but keep an eye on it...yo might have found a sick little treasure trove lol and thats not poison oak.


Well-Known Member
The leaf structure does look a bit like and indica strain. I would say no.
