Is this worth keeping?


Active Member
Well i got a Delicious Seeds caramelo and one is looking very weird. I have never seen one look/grow like this, is it even worth keeping? 20130304_125502.jpg20130304_125506.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well i got a Delicious Seeds caramelo and one is looking very weird. I have never seen one look/grow like this, is it even worth keeping? View attachment 2555336View attachment 2555338
LMFAO. I LOVE YOU. you made me smile and laugh. its a tomato. give it tons of root space stake it and when you see things that look like colas coming from between stock and leaf cut it out. youll have plenty of tomaters in no time. o and when the flowers appear just shake the plant gentally


Active Member
Dude... that looks like a maple sapling? You gonna corner the market on syrup? LOL, I couldn't resist, sorry.

Personally, I'd grow it out for a little while just to see what happens. I wouldn't go crazy worrying about it, especially if you have back-ups. You may have some alien based super-bud on your hands there, something literally out of this world.

If you got the space and the time... wait and see what happens.
If you can stand to lose it and you got back-ups and you aren't curious... then cull it.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Ummm...Are you sure it's marijuana?

The other one looks right, but I can't say I've ever seen a fuzzy pot seedling.


Well-Known Member
Keep it going. Mutant pot plants can produce some asskicking stuff! It just might be pot - did the seed look proper?


Active Member
lol at all of you. I knew ppl would get a kick out of this plant, yes i am sure it is MJ. The seed looked like any other seed i have ever used. But i was just curious bc it doesnt look like anything i have ever grown before. I do have plenty of back ups and room but i guess i was wondering if anyone has ever seen a plant grow like this. But suppose i will keep it going to see what happens, no harm can come from it really.
If anything happens with it i will post more pics of the tomato/maple plant lol

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
were you reusing a jiffy pellet that you had tried to grow tomatos in before?

Where did you get your carmello seed from?


Active Member
I got the seed from a 5 pack from attuitude only 2 of them lived the other 3 started to grow liek shit also but died befor the 1st set of real leafs came out.
And now that i am sitting here reading over this post going wtf how could a tomato plant even get in my room. I see on my nutrients table a pack of vilote jasper heirloom tomato seeds! I now know why my gf was so intrested in this plant always asking me why it was so diffrent from the others. Bitch is plaing a trick on me. Oh i cant wait till she comes how haha


Well-Known Member
I've grown plenty of tomato plants buddy and that is definitely a tomato plant. Sorry about your luck. The spout next two looks good though.