is this wrong????


New Member
ya but thinking about this also brings doubt that anything will happen its probably going to be a dream of lust i had


Well-Known Member
well if i pick up a drunk chick thats means i should be drunk also because sex with a drunk person when your not drunk isnt all that fun, plus yes i would like her to put out but i dont want her to have already put out.
When I complained about you, I said that at best you were a germ, at worst a paedophile. You've confirmed you are in that range of lowlife.

[ignore list]
You're my first you poor sad little child.:fire:


Well-Known Member
You must have big balls... why don't you use them and front up to her father. Just walk straight in there and say "Hello sir. I know that your daughter is only 14 but I'd really like to fuck her tight little pussy. All the girls at my school are sluts." Let's just see if you walk out with your nose still on your face.

But paedophiles don't work that way, do they? They just have to find some like-minded idiots on a forum like this to feel good about fucking up the life of a kid.

Anyone who thinks that this is any kind of ok is a paedophile... Nuff said. Thanks for outing yourselves.


Well-Known Member
Oh and btw, people, atleast back in my highschoolin days, which was like a year ago..., profiled seniors/juniors who dated freshmen, it was just kind of... wrong. I dunno, thats how it works in hawaii, w/e


Well-Known Member
well if i pick up a drunk chick thats means i should be drunk also because sex with a drunk person when your not drunk isnt all that fun, plus yes i would like her to put out but i dont want her to have already put out.
My creep-o-meter just went into the red zone.

You are every father's worst nightmare.

When this thread started you were a college freshman with a thing for a high school girl. Now you are an adult seeking an underage virgin.

A predator.


New Member
i think to qulaify for being a pedophile you have to havee actually fucked a 14 yr old and i have not since i lost my virginity and i do like college chicks but it was just a thought of fucking a girl with a nice pussy


New Member
ya i have realized how this could be really werid but what if like she gets pregnant with my kid and then we like work it out and get married and finish are school education and shit like that and go t married what would you think then?


Well-Known Member
The debate here is not about how old you are, or how much of an age gap there is... the fact is that she is 14 YEARS OLD. She is still a child, both in her body and her mind. She will NOT understand that it is just sex so that you can enjoy a tight pussy. She won't have enough life experience to see that. She will think that you actually love her and you will break her heart when she finds out that it's not true. Then, when it doesn't work out in the end, she WILL continue to fuck anything that shows any interest because a) she will want to feel loved again, and b) once you start having sex you enjoy it and want more. The difference is, she'll be a slut and you'll be a legend.

Are you willing to do that to an inocent child, just to keep your dick happy? That's wrong! Let her be a child for a little longer. Don't spoil that for her.


New Member
now when you put it that way i feel bad but this is true when you loose your vifginity you loose the sense of being a child, i now see the error of my ways thank you guys


Well-Known Member
Don't go for any girl under 16, and even then it's a fine line. And guys don't be too up in arms about this he hasn't actually done anything wrong, everyone has fantasies about weird shit and thankfully he seems to see that his are not acceptable in real life.