Is this Zinc Deficient?

Fair enough.

And lol ya I hear I like to learn but definitely no wiz, school was a jungle for me (at my extreme maturity level) lol but I think I remember most of it, sometimes need the refreshers. Thanks, here's a few chuckles I'll send your way..

You hear Potassium and Oxygen went on a date?
It was OK.

A proton and a neutron are walking down the street.
The proton says, "Wait, I dropped an electron help me look for it."
The neutron says "Are you sure?" The proton replies "I'm positive."

Helium walks into a bar,
The bar tender says "We don't serve noble gasses in here."
Helium doesn't react.

Got any Sodium jokes?



This is my personal fave

PK boosters? @cannabineer, @curious2garden, anyone

Gave them 5gal 920ppm 5.6ph today. ~600ppm Maxibloom
~020ppm Floralicious+
~220ppm Tap water
~080ppm Epsom (I have GH Ca-Mg if that's better?)

I cut out the GH LKB, but I have it so if there's any possible upside and you don't see a downside I might as well use what I got. I also have GH Ca-Mg if you think I should be using that over the Epsom, I just figured my tap water at 192ppm CaCO3 was pretty good for Ca already?
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PK boosters? @cannabineer, @curious2garden, anyone

Gave them 5gal 920ppm 5.6ph today. ~600ppm Maxibloom
~020ppm Floralicious+
~220ppm Tap water
~080ppm Epsom (I have GH Ca-Mg if that's better?)

I cut out the GH LKB, but I have it so if there's any possible upside and you don't see a downside I might as well use what I got. I also have GH Ca-Mg if you think I should be using that over the Epsom, I just figured my tap water at 192ppm CaCO3 was pretty good for Ca already?
I am no nute expert, but the Mg looks pretty high to me. I'd think of dialing back total TDS increment from it to 40 or so ppm. But it's been years since I've done it; ymmv.
I've increased my ppm which seems to have stopped any progression of symptoms.

Ill ride her out, thanks for the insight everybody.