I's Time to Talk about Merrick Garland!


Well-Known Member
Yesterday the news broke that Garland told all DOJ people not to seem political and reinforced a Bill Barr policy of having to have Top Approval for any investigation or prosecution of a political Candidate in an election year?
FOr Weeks I have been calling him #Gutless Garland for his glacial pace of going after the sedition of the RepubliKKKunts. It has been over 18 Months since the insurrection and all the false electors names were known, yet Gutless has not rolled up the conspiracy. With the thousands of FBI and DOJ staff he has not deposed these RepubliKKKunts and traced the roots of the conspiracy or charged the pep's and begun the trials.

Merrick does not want to be seen as politically motivated. He's concerned about the reputation of the DOJ! Yet, he does not consider that he is allowing the DOJ to be seen as politically motivated to kiss Trumps ass rather than DO HIS FUCKING JOB! Wnt ot be apolitical, Merrick, then enforce the law first and let the chips fall where they may.
BOMBSHELL news from Justice Department made public

Our Flaccid Democrats will not replace this asshole for fear of being labeled too political. Sorry sacks of shit! Chuckie will not remove Manchin from the head of the Senate Energy committe so the Coal Baron can crap all over the country's response to the climate chaos. Let's all vote BLUE so we can get more flaccid responses to the pressing issues of the day!

If you think #Gutless should be replaced or maybe goosed to get on with the job give me a hell yes. I yu thin we need to patintly wait for GUTLESS to DO SOMETHING, please explain how that will help the situation where the RepubliKKKunts are destroying our country.
I'm sure he knows things we don't know -- and shouldn't know.
Kinda goes with the office. No doubt he'd love to "roll them up" but if it's not done right, the bad guys could escape prosecution on a technicality.
18+months and he hasn't charge one fucking fucker. Why do we give him Millions of dollars and thousands of people if he isn't going to enforce the law vigorously? Gutless needs to be replaced!
"Now" is the time to talk about him???

Why now, you've been whining about him for months! :lol:

so have i...if he has some secret plan, it's about time to start implementing it.
He's done some decent work, he oversaw the prosecution of Arbrey's killers,
he's prosecuted a lot of the 1/6 magats, he's stepped up the department's civil rights division,
he's investigating multiple police departments...
but his hesitation to indict not only trump, but any of his inner circle is maddening.
i personally would rather they leave trump loose until after November in 24, so he can fuck the republicans over in the presidential election...and then garland could indict him with no pretense of being politically motivated.
however...meadows, gaetz, ginni thomas, boebert, greene, gosar, barr, bannon, stone, flynn, graham, jordan...all the state level republicans who assisted with the slates of false electors....every single one of them needs to be indicted and prosecuted to the fullest extent. what is he waiting for? so it won't seem political? it is fucking political, the entire nature of the crimes committed were political...prosecute someone, for fucks sake, or you're saying politicians can do what the fuck ever they want and get away with it, and that is a big fucking mistake.
Its becoming a big weight around the necks of the democrats and will drag them down. Eventually public sentiment is going to turn hard, you can't just keep dragging it out and not delivering. If they did the stuff we all believe and the evidence is as clear as claimed, then do something about it. It's getting to feel quite a bit like russiagate, hurts the democrats credibility.

Maybe it starts going as soon as this j6 TV extravaganza concludes, this televised testimony being the case made to the public to try and sway opinions to prevent civil strife. Hopefully the takeaway winds up being more than everyone finding out the orange guy threw ketchup, that does seem to be thing that is sticking.
Respectfully, he’s *only* had 18 months WITH a full plate, *and* a whole lot of public & political pressure and scrutiny; *IF* Garland is the guy I like to think he is, some of this time has been spent assembling & organizing a RICO team; it’s super important we get the infrastructure, the enablers, the introducers, the bureaucracy of overthrow, if you will: we can’t just arrest the driver, a couple thugs & leave the bomb sitting there with the motor running - right?

There’ve been (to me) plenty of indications that they (DOJ) are staying busy. In my dream world, they are investigating the donor networks, the cryptic funding & steering organizations, the educational, social, & media organization, the GOP it’s very self - at the same time the committee is investigating the churn of people and events as it played out.

once we have the data from both, we’ll know who paid for what, who ordered it, who arranged it - right down to the individual pieces.

We NEED detail. We need to nail these professionally sneaky & politically protected bastards unmasked, identified, tried, barred from office & stripped of their vote
After 18 months he's had his chance and has only done a few cases. We don't pay him to hesitate and diddle fuck about.
You don't believe Teflon Don will be found guilty do you? Even if he is do you think it will hurt his election chancers? or will he be prez by the time they pass judgment?
Imagine a Not guilty a couple weeks before election day.
or even a Guilty and he hands them his pardon. American politics is just crazy stuff.

He should of been questioned and charged with something soon after. The establishment will look after its own.
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Over 882 have been arrested and charged so far for the J6 insurrection attempt.
All low level Chumps. Gutless needs to get to the at least mid level criminals before the Midterms. The False Electors are the low hanging fruit that 'could' lead to the Orange Menace in the conspiracy. Why have none of the these been charged?
Today Gutless saaid that he is being very careful and will follow the evidence, but what is very evident from the actuall words of Trump, on nation wide TV, is that he lead the insurrection and was happy the Chumps wanted to "Hang Pence". He needs to be careful that he doesn't wait too long and end up having a RepubliKKKunt Congress on his back.
Biden doesn't help his poll numbers by being flaccid about Manchin's flip flopping, while Chuck Schemer leaves him as the chair of the Senate Energy Committee in an obvious conflict of interest.

But maybe I'm just too pissed off and need to chill. I've got 13 jars from last years winter grow tht have beeen curing for 2-4 months. Maybe I need to start smoking more weed and play my ukuleles.:bigjoint: