Is Trump the Russian's Manchurian candidate?

Just because I don't agree with you or join your party doesn't mean that I'm automatically the enemy.

I'm tired of being screwed by politics as usual. I'm focusing on issues. Any candidate who credibly promises to represent my interests on those issues will have my vote.

Why is that so hard for you to accept?
Nope, you aren't the enemy - just the enemy's useful idiot.

5-10 min to load. Not to mention Subs.
N.Korea didn't shit their missile program out of thin air.

There are larger things going on in the world other then migrants fleeing Russian Mob influence in south and central America.
It takes more than ten minutes to load a bomber with nuclear weapons. This is why there are dozens of bombers sitting on air Force ramps around the United States already loaded, serviced and ready to depart on literally a moment's notice. There's no other way to do it and get the planes away from the base before enemy ICBMs can reach it.

The bomber has to be where the nukes are. That isn't a country deep in the throes of political instability and mass unrest.

There are no nukes in Venezuela; too much of a security risk for no gain.

You're right that there is a lot going on in Venezuela and elsewhere involving both Russian and Chinese actors but stockpiling nuclear weapons is not one of them.
The simple fact that "other actors" are displacing Democracy in this Hemisphere without alarm from our head chief, is treason enough for me. China and Russia are making bank in Africa.
The simple fact that "other actors" are displacing Democracy in this Hemisphere without alarm from our head chief, is treason enough for me. China and Russia are making bank in Africa.
Then maybe we should be treating the nations and citizens of Central and South America better than we historically have been.

History is very clear about the fact that the United States has deliberately and repeatedly overthrown democratically elected governments throughout the region, to the point where there may not be a country south of Texas that we HAVEN'T meddled in the politics of.

The point is to accept responsibility for our past sins, get serious about making reparations and help the citizens build strong Democratic institutions and economies based on mutual benefit as opposed to naked colonialism.

If we did that not only would we not have to worry about Russian or Chinese influence but we wouldn't have the refugee problems at our southern border. Or the gangs. Or much of the drugs trade.

In short, it would be a much better world for them and for America.

Why isn't it that way? Because of the outsized influence of corporations like mining interests, the United Fruit Company and others. They make money and impoverish everyone else. It is just this situation that Marine Corps General and multiple Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Smedley Butler discussed in his famous book, 'War is a Racket'.
Just because I don't agree with you or join your party doesn't mean that I'm automatically the enemy.

I'm tired of being screwed by politics as usual. I'm focusing on issues. Any candidate who credibly promises to represent my interests on those issues will have my vote.

Why is that so hard for you to accept?

Bernie will solve all your conflicts for you when he runs as a Republican.
If Democrats want votes, they must earn them.
So, all Democrats must to do to earn your vote is pass the following legislation: universal healthcare, campaign finance reform, eliminate the use of fossil fuels, bring all the troops back home immediately, close all foreign bases, eliminate funding and diplomatic ties to Israel, stop anything to do to encourage political correctness, stop Saudis from genocide in Yemen, punish banks, enact 90% income taxes on incomes over xyz (10 million?), regulate MJ like it is alcohol, free housing for the poor, free college tuition and a stipend for anybody who attends any college, end lobbying, end any contact with businesses, apoligize to Putin for insulting him over his interfering in our campaigns and end any attempt to defend the US from Russian spies, espionage or influencing elections.

Do that all before year end.

Is that it?