Is veggy scared of the light

Hick 13

Active Member
My question to all whom may share their all knowing wisdom with me is the dark during veg as critacal as the dark period of the bloom phase and to what extent either way?

Thank you and may all of your hamburgers be juicey and all your frys crunchy


Well-Known Member
My question to all whom may share their all knowing wisdom with me is the dark during veg as critacal as the dark period of the bloom phase and to what extent either way?

Thank you and may all of your hamburgers be juicey and all your frys crunchy
For veg you can do 24 or 18/6 per day...flower 12/12...if you interrupt this you'll get hermis........ luck


Well-Known Member
yea just make sure if u do go 18/6 then shed as much light out as u can but the small light leaks are no big thing in veg in flower u will gt hermies if not worse


Well-Known Member
does 20 / 4 work good
i have not eard to may talk about it enlighten me i might chang my light cycle now that i heard that


Well-Known Member
I would only have dark period during veg if I needed to keep a low key. lights off at night, other wise your just prolonging maturation, longer the lights are on the more growth per day in vegative. if thats wrong someone please correct me.


Well-Known Member
well i now the plants can only take n so much during a single lighting period. in 24 hour cycle the plants adapt to the constant light and are able to take in as much as they can and the recess. in an 18/6 schedule it forces the plant to take in lights for the 18 and recess and use all the nutes it has obtained during that phase of light. i feel this allows the plant to switch the light schedule with greater ease when you induce flower, 12/12. that is just my taughts as i have tried both 24 hours constant and 18/6 and i have better sucess, personally, when i swithc over the plants seem ot to get to stressed and growth triples as it should


Active Member
what about something like night interruption? has anyone tried it? I am a professional greenhouse grower who grows ornamental crops. i force plants to veg and then flower by extending their daylength with light and then putting them back into darkness and then give them another four hour "day" from 10pm to 2am then dark again and then begin the natural day all over again with the extension. I don't normally grow my stuff inside but am considering starting some inside and bulking them as much as possible before june 1st. any thoughts on daylength extension with a night interruption would be appreciated.


Active Member
I dont know about the two days in one Trich - it seems like itd work but switching cycles twice as much might stress them out. Try it :)

As for 24 vs 20/4 vs 18/6:

I know plants can adapt but if they're always trying to make sugar twenty four hours a day, when do they have time to eat it? Its like eating while youre working.. you can do it but its not as satisfying.

Ok thats not an excellent analogy but 20/4 seems like the optimal point before the habitat becomes unnatural..


Well-Known Member
I believe its the cannibis bible or something similiar that did tests on the light cycles. 20/4 i have herd is said to develop the strongest roots and fastest growth. Im using 18/6 myself to help keep cost down and they seem to love it